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rough air.  At the Talara airport I found some ascalaphids.  Chiclayo airport is a desolate place in the desert; there were no insects or other life around the field.  We reached Limatambo airport, the field that serves Lima only a few minutes late and were taken by bus to the Hotel Gran Bolívar for the night. I changed ten dollars into 66 soles so that I could pay my hotel bill and have a little extra.  Instead of trying the hotel dining room Iwalked around in the vicinity of the plaza major and found a pleasant looking restaurant.  As I went in I met Varleta, who had already found an old acquaintance from Argentina, a Dr Guzman.  The three of us had dinner together.

Feb. 12. Up at 3 AM and, for a change, the plane left nearly on time.  
[[image-preprinted flight schedule taped to side of page]]
TuWeFr 323  325
 SuMo  We   Fr
5:30   5:35 5:35  Lv LIMA (Limatamno), Peru  75°
8:30   8:35 8:35  Ar AREQUIPA, Peru           "
8:45   8:50 8:50  Lv AREQUIPA, Peru           "
10:55             Ar ARICA, Chile             60°
11:10   Mo        Lv ARICA, Chile{            60°
13:20             Ar ANTOFAGASTA,Chile{        "
13:35             Lv ANTOFAGASTA,Chile{       60°
17:35           Ar SANTIAGO, (Los Cerr.),Chile{"

Our flying had been largely over water and quite smooth; from Lima south we were over land more of the time and the air was noticeably rougher. It had been warm in Lima and when we came to Arequipa I thought it looked quite hot.  On leaving the plane we had a delightful surprise; Arequipa is at 8100 ft. and the air is cool and crisp.  The landing field is placed right at the foot of El Misti, a beautiful snow-capped peak.  Arica and Antofagasta were more like Talara, hot and desolate.  Between Antofagasta and Santiago there was no scheduled stop but we came down for gasoline at Vallenar, a new and still uncompleted airport.  Another plane, which left Limatambo just after we did and which we caught sight of in nearly every airport, was not as heavily loaded as we and was able to fly straight through and so reached Santiago a few minutes ahead of us.  Nevertheless, we came in on time and I found Raúl Cortés, Carlos Muñoz, Ramón Gutiérrez, the U.S. Vice Consul and others there to meet me.  I went through Customs easily and was loaded, with my baggage, into a station wagon and taken to the City Hotel where I took Room 409.  After disposing of my bags, Raúl, Ramón and I walked about the central part of Santiago until time for dinner.  Ramón excused himself and Raúl and I had dinner in the hotel dining room.  

Feb. 13. Raúl came to the hotel at 9 to take me to the American Embassy to call on Paul Guest, Agricultural Advisor.  I arranged with him to take care of my mail, etc.  Then I went to the office of the Cultural Relations Officer, who proved to be Phil Thayer; it was my first meeting with him in thirtyfive years!  We had a good talk, partly about my work and partly about his doings since we lost track of each other.  As I started to leave, he invited me