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to dinner tomorrow night at his home and to luncheon on Thursday.  From the Embassy we went to the Department of Agriculture (Sanidad Vegetal) which is on the out skirts of Santiago in the Quinta Normal.  I was introduced to the Director, Luis A Belmar P., the Subdirector Sergio Tartakowsky H. and Leonidas Durán, Chief of the Section of Agricultural Zoology.  I also saw Raúl's laboratory and the small and very poor collection of insects.  At 4, we were in his office to meet the Minister of Agriculture and Lands, sr. don Manuel Casanueva, who was in Washington last year.  Raúl and don Manuel drew up plans for a trip for me which would include the part of Chile between Santiago and Chiloé Island.  Raúl would accompany me and we would leave Santiago on the 17th for Puerto Montt.  As soon as we left the Ministerio, we went to take up railroad tickets on the "Nocturno" which leaves Santiago daily at 5 PM.  Our tickets were paid for by government transportation requests.  Next to a bank to change 200 dollars into 6,320 pesos and then for "onces" we went to a restaurant specializing on fruits of all kinds.  Between onces and dinner we took a long walk about the city, going up onto Santa Lucía, a queer hill rising up in the middle of the city and landscaped to death.  We again had dinner together in the hotel.

Feb. 14.  As soon as I was up I arranged for my laundry and then went out for breakfast (two glasses of jugo de uva con azúcar) and to order a supply of professional cards, having forgotten to bring more than two or three.  I left one for a sample and the new ones are to be ready the next day and will cost [[strikethrough]] P [[strikethrough]] 30 oer hundred.  That done, Raúl and I went to Quinta to talk over the trip with Belmar and Tartakowsky and to prepare typed copies of our projected itinerary.  We will have an extra day in Puerto Montt because the schedule of boats to Chiloé has been changed.  We came in town for lunch and then went to the Embassy to leave a copy of our itinerary with Thayer and Guest and to get directions for getting to Phil's home.  
After onces,  I started for the Thayer's.  Was too early so I walked around several blocks to kill time and arrived at 8 sharp.  Phil told me that while the little girl does not admit to be able to speak Spanish, she goes to the kitchen and jabbers away with the cook.  Before coming to Chile, the family had been in the Far East for some years so this was the first experience of the children with Spanish.  After cocktails, an excellent dinner was served by a nice quiet criada.  We talked until late and I had to run for what might have been the last trolley.  AS I couldn't understand the conductor and he couldn't