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where we found several small crawfish (Aegla sp.) and many specimens of a snail crawling on the rocks.  I exposed the last two films in the pack and turned it in for development and prints.  After lunch at the hotel Raúl lay down for a nap while I read, or tried to read, a "whodunit" in Spanish.  At 5 we went down to the dining room for onces and then to a hill at the back of the 

[[image- black and white photograph of a large building with formally laid out garden in the foreground]]
[[caption]] Railroad station at Puerto Varas. [[/caption]]

town which had been converted into a religious park. We found the collecting good and took one or more species of Scarabaeidae, Lucanidae, Carabidae, Nitidulidae and Scolytidae.  At dark we quit and returned to the hotel for dinner.  There was a fiesta in costume at the hotel and we both decided to go to bed immediately.  I read Kim for awhile.  Raúl had started Kim and before he had finished a page, threw the book aside with the remark that he didn't like it.  I could get no explanation as to why.  Later I found out the reason - Raúl is exceedingly sensitive about the dark color of his skin and the opening description of Kim reads "though burned black as any native".  That was too much for him.  He finally gave me the book to keep with the dedication "Here is a book that Lalo adores and that I am not able to read."  "Don Lalo" was his name for me, derived from the nickname of his own brother Eduardo.

Feb. 25.  This day was Sunday and I started Raúl off for eight o'clock mass.  I got up leisurely and at 8.40 went alone to breakfast.  We were going to Ensenada by the nine o'clock boat and Raúl didn't get back to the hotel until 8.50.  I ordered coffee for him and thanks to the fact that the boat was twenty minutes late, we