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Feb. 26. Up at 8 o'clock sharp and had breakfast. As we are leaving tomorrow for Osorno, we went first to the correo to send a wire to Teuber giving time of our arrival. Then we went back to the park on the hill to collect. Took some good things there and in the pasture below, especially some thrips, staphylinids and weevils. On our way back to the hotel we stopped at Karl's to pick up the prints and films of the Chiloe trip and to leave certain films for extra prints. After lunch Raul took a nap while I sorted catch and read some more in "Kim". Went out for onces at 4.30 and, in spite of a gentle rain, back to the pasture for a little more collecting. Back at the hotel I wrote a letter to Clara. That night we took in a movie, "Felipe Derbray", made in Argentina and very melodramatic.

Feb. 27. We were up at 7.30 and packed before breakfast. I paid the hotel bill and got the 9.15 train for Osorno. No Teuber at the Osorno station so we went to the Hotel Burnier where we settled our bags in room 317. We then went to the office of the Department of Agriculture where we expected to find Teuber. Instead we learned that he expected us on a later train and would be at the hotel at 2 PM. He was on time and brought a letter from Guest enclosing a valentine from Sophy and Hilda, no letter from Clara. First impressions of Teuber were very favorable. He is obviously germanic with his blond hair and blue eyes and was courteous and not at all blustery. We talked about Chiloe and made plans for our time in Osorno. "Tomorrow to Puerto Octay and the next day to Puyehue." That afternoon we drove out to a

[[image - black and white photograph of a farm/garden with greenhouse and hills in background. With caption]]
Experiment Station at Puerto Octay

small station where seedlings of Monterey pine are being grown for use in reforestation. While the Monterey pine is of little importance in this country, it has proved to