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on the edge of a small stream. The collecting was the best that I have seen so far and it was too bad that we had so little time. On the way back to Osorno we stopped at the Fabrica Madera Terciada "Somasur" (a plywood factory).  Here was my first chance to do anything to amount to with the problem of insect damage to forest trees.  The yard was full of barked logs of various species of trees and a man was sent with me to tell me the kinds as I asked. Having made some estimate of the frequency of attack of various types of insects on the various types of trees, we went inside the plant and watched the veneer coming off a log and noting how deep the insect burrows 

[[image-black and white photograph-building in cleared fields in the mountains]]
[[caption]] Enclosed bathing pool at hotel [[/caption]]

penetrated the log.  It was fairly evident that the amount of damage was relatively slight.  There didn't seem to be any really important pest of the forests in Chile which is a very good thing.  Chilean forests are not like ours; a Chilean forest may extend for miles and contain only two, three, four or at most five kids of trees while ours often contain twenty of even thirty kinds.  Therefore, if a pest attacking a single species of tree gets a foothold in the Chilean forest, it may seriously injure or destroy 20% or more of the trees while in the United States a similar outbreak might account for as much as 10% but rarely more and usually less.  Reached the hotel at 8.30, had a very welcome hot bath and dinner.

Mar. 2.  This is a day of rest.  We walked about the city in the morning. At noon we entertained Teuber and Mrs Teuber at luncheon (I like them both very much).  With the departure of the Teubers we went to our room