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tramps!  Then back to the hotel to change clothes and go to call on Sr Gilberto Montero to see his collection.  He has accumulated about 24 drawers of miscellaneous insects, only part of which were labeled as to locality and almost none were determined to genus or species.  I noticed nothing that seemed out of the ordinary run. While we were there, Ihl joined us and we all went back to the hotel for dinner.  After dinner Raúl wrote letters and Ihl and I went for a walk.  We found a bench in the Parque and sat for quite a time discussing the relations which exist between the United States and the Latin-American countries.

[[image-black and white photograph]]
[[caption]] View of Temuco from Nielol. [[caption]]

Mar. 6. The morning was given up to sight-seeing.  First we went to the recently organized Museum of the Araucanian Indien.  There were about 4 rooms devoted to pottery, stone implements, weaving, etc.  Since Temuco is the present center of the Araucanians that are left, such a museum is quite properly located here.  While we were there, Ihl joined us and we walked about town, crossing the bridge over the Río Cautín.  We saw many Indians coming into town with produce for market.  Every Indian woman wears an enormous silver breast ornament, no two of which seem alike.  After lunch we went to the Temuco office of the Department of Agriculture where we found Picasso and Ihl.  We took the Department truck and drove out about 20 km. east of the city to the Fundo Cooper.  Collected more white grubs etc. Back to the hotel for a bath and rest.  Before onces I went to the photo shop for my last two film packs.  The films themselves looked not too bad but the prints were very yellow.  We had left some freshly emerged flies to harden at the Escuela