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and we walked toward the school intending to get them.  But remembering how bad the light is in the laboratory, we changed our minds and went back to the hotel.

Mar. 7.  Up and again to the Escuela Practica.  Reached there at 9.30 and met Picasso, Muñoz, and Ihl.  Raúl, Ihl and I went up to the top of Ñielol, a heavily wooded hill near the city which has been made into a park.  We took a narrow and rather steep foot path through the woods and found some good collecting under stones and logs.  We had a light lunch in the restaurant at the top and then started down to join the others for a real meal at the Escuela.  Raúl talked for about an hour about his trip to Easter Island.  We went back to the hotel about 4.00 for a rest and at 5.30 met Picasso at the restaurant for onces.  As we were to meet Ihl at the hotel at 8.30, we had time to look about in the stores. I bought some silver, a bracelet and four ash trays.  We went to dinner at 9.00 and were joined at table by Alvarado, who will go to Angol with us.  After dinner we went to our hotel room and talked until 10.30.

Mar. 8.  Up late, had a bath and a shave, packed and went to breakfast. Ihl came at 10.00 and the two of us waked far out Avenida Germanica and back by another route to the rooms of the Sociedad Agronómica, arriving there at noon.  Picasso met us there and took us to his home for luncheon.  As we sat down at table, Mrs Picasso noticed she had lost the set out of her ring.  It was a large topaz and of course, the discovery cast a slight gloom over the luncheon.  However, when we left the table and went into the living room, Ihl saw the stone on the rug and all was well.  Back to the hotel to discover that there was no train to Angol until tomorrow.  Alvarado decided to go part way and spend the night at the hotel in Renaico which is less expensive.  Raúl and I preferred to stay in Temuco so we took another room for the night and left a call for 4.45 A M.  Leaving Raúl in the room writing letters, Ihl and I went out for onces and to buy some fruit for breakfast.  I found some beautiful big white grapes at 4 cents a pound.  We also looked in the stores of a machete but without success.  For onces I had an iced coffee milkshake (pronounced café lao).  Back to hotel for early dinner and bed.

Mar. 9.  Up at 4.45, dressed and ate some grapes.  Train was waiting when we came out on the platform.  We were ten minutes late in leaving Temuco but arrived at Renaico on time.  There we waited about 50 minutes for the train from Santiago that was going to Angol and we all got into Bullock's car.  First to the