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  The published recipes run from 1 [[by weight symbol?]] to 1 gallon to 1 [[by weight symbol?]][[strikethrough]]] of [[/strikethrough]] to 6 gallons. Dr. Houghton used 1 [[by weight symbol?]]concentrated lye to 1 gallon water.


 Reduvius raptatorius (larva) feeds on [[underline]] Aphis [[/underline]] & young Cankerworms according to Dr. Weed, [[Muscatius?]].


 Noticed 4 or 5 scales perforated by [[underline]] round small holes, [[/underline]] as described by Dr. Fitch. Shape of conchiformis, but white, ^ [[insertion]] & elongate type of Harrisii ∵ no transverse rugae. [[/insertion]] Empty egg-shells of [[underline]] Harrisii [[/underline]] now 

xx| milk-white like those of [[underline]] Conchiformis. [[/underline]] Scales of [[underline]] Harrisii [[/underline]] (young) Now of a ^ [[insertion]] pate blood-brown [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] brownish [[/strikethrough]] color, without any pruinescence, & not visible to naked eye. Knew them by finding some that had remained under old scale, as with the other species. Have a dorsal carina [[image]] with lateral transverse striae. May be removed like the others. Easily confounded with natural pores of wood by inexperienced eyes.

x| [[underline]] Phycita nebulo. [[/underline]] still in larva state 


[[underline]] Conchiformis is evidently [[/underline]] fast gaining on [[underline]] Harrissii. [[/underline]] Gone underground June 20 & had probably gone 3 days before.
[Found others afterwards went under June 30.


[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Cephus? [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] [[underline]] Lyda [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] social larva on wild plum, spinning common web. [[strikethrough]] Yellowish [[/strikethrough]] Very Pale green ^ [[insertion]] A [[/insertion]] 6 black legs, ^ [[insertion]] with white articulations [[/insertion]] no prolegs. Length .30 ^ [[insertion]] - .40 inch  Full grown 3/4 inch. [[/insertion]] Antennae long, acute, = 1/2 ^ [[insertion]] transverse [[/insertion]] diam. of head = of body. 1st. jt. ^ [[insertion]] body [[/insertion]] [[image]] black shiny. Last ^ [[insertion]] 1/2 of last [[/insertion]] jt. black, [[image]] with [[image]] ^ [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] lateral acute ^ [[insertion]] 3 jd. [[image]] [[/insertion]] horn or thorn. ^ [[insertion]] when mature B [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [?]] black transverse line between each pair of legs ^ [[insertion]] absent, [[/insertion]] [& above that on jt. [[?]] Δ spot.] & a semilunar ^ [[insertion]] C [[/insertion]] black eon above each leg. Head [[strikethrough]] with a [[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]] very oblique yellow [[invert]] vitta lateral [[/invert]] on jts [[?]] [[?]] in many sphinx larvae. The vitta elevated in a [[?]] [[?]]  [[/strikethrough]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]


honey-yellow, skinny; legs small black, just ^ [[insertion]] behind & [[/insertion]] below antennae. Antennae when mature 8-jd, 1 & 2 pale, rest black with white articulations. [[strikethrough]] Dorsal [[/strikethrough]] Cervical shield [[image]]


  A disease of wild plums so that they are thrice their usual diameter, wrinkled outside & like gall Rhois, & inside spongy hollow, instead of fleshy, with the juicy white stone in the centre. No signs of any insect. Length of [[lay?]] .90 inch. Plums now about .30 inch long diameter.


June 14 ^ [[insertion]] (4 specimens) [[insertion]] Curculio larva when .7 long ^ [[insertion]] is 4 or 5 times as long as wide [[insertion]] & hyaline with a rust-red stomach. ^ [[insertion]] occupying middle 1/2 of body. [[/insertion]] Head tinged with yellow. Mouth rust-red ^ [[insertion]] a few pale hairs towards tail. [[insertion]]


Egg 0.25 long, ^ [[insertion]] (2 specimens) [[/insertion]] oval, 1/2 longer than wide, placed in the flap formed by the undermining crescent cut. One larva (from crescent cut) had bored a tortuous path all over the plum & finally into the kernel, yet only .02 long.


x|  Egg of Plum-gouger [[image]], placed with the truncated end outside [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] & almost projecting, hyaline, truncate end shining black. (1 specm.)


x| June 15. On two or three plums found 2 [[image]]
   On one plum found 9 Plum-gouger holes, at least 4 with shiny end of egg projecting & visible outside. NB. Egg does not always so project.


June 16. Pediculus cervicalis? From a negro. Antennae 5-jointed. Tarsi 1-jd, 1 claw, long recurving so as to form a ^ [[insertion]] prehensile [[/insertion]] hook with a single spear-like ^ [[insertion]] bunch of 3 or 4 hairs at tip of tibia [[/insertion]]. Abd. 7-jd. Thoracic segments not very distinct. A black stomach [[con?]] between hind legs & reaching 2/3 of way to the tip of abdomen.  Legs ^ [[insertion]] [[?]] & body [[/insertion]] somewhat hairy; hairs ^ [[insertion]] rather [[/insertion]] long.

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
pruinescence: In insects, a "bloom" caused by wax particles on top of an insect's cuticle [[underline]]god^[[insertion]]help[[/insertion]]me[[/underline]]