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32) In what seems to be [[male symbol]] there is a very distinct robust blunt spur at top of front tibia, & an indistinct one on the other tibia. Snout [[drawing, curve shape]] nearly as in Horse-louse, with a very indistinct point occasionally projecting in the living insect.


June 17. Found numerous eggs & very young larva besides many large-sized apterous females in a gall = ^ [[insertion]] (very nearly) [[/insertion]] [[underline]] caryae foliae [[/underline]] ^ [[insertion]] [= Carya fallax  p.37) on C. alba, [[underline]] very [[/underline]] abundant, left of slough side road on Island about 200 or 300 yards from [[strikethrough]] [[Bridg]] [[/strikethrough]] R. R., a little off the road; [[female symbol]] antennae [[image]] 3-jd. Gall [[symbol]] [[underline]] caryaefoliae, [[/underline]] a lofty carina on lower surface of leaf ^ [[insertion]] & cone above more robust [[/insertion
[[image]] bulging

[[underline]] No [[/underline]] eggs on [[underline Caryaecaulis [[/underline]] galls, but infinite larvae of all sizes & gray flocculescence, none of which in the supposed [[underline]] caryaefolia [[/underline]] gall. A single large roundish mother-louse in Caryaecaulis, in [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] two [[/insertion]] galls dead ^ [[insertion]] in to living [[/insertion. Legs & antennae black; those of larvae (twice as long as broad) only a little obfuscated. Infested sometimes by a white syrphidous larva, which sweeps [[underline]] Xerophylla [[/underline]] almost clean off. Another gall infested by a [[underline]] large [[/underline]] [[image]] curculionidous larva, (perhaps that of [[underline]] Conotrachelus posticatus [[/underline]] found outside today near these galls) with rufous head. Replace it in bottle, gall tied up with pink thread. Found two caryaecaulis on stem of [[underline]] leaflet [[/underline]] close to base. Just like the others.

  In three (tame plums) found 5 curculio crescents.

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[[underline]] Carae habitaculum. [[/underline]] Lepidopterous gall, on [[underline]] C. alba. [[/underline]] The mainrib of the leaf bored & swelled near its tip so as to appear thus [[image]] & hollow inside, ^ [[insertion]] with thin walls [[/insertion]] the larva living inside, but spinning an irregular web full of frass outside; the itp of the mainrib beyond the gall usually cut off & withered & black. Very abundant on the Island. [[strikethrough]] Some [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] Many [[/insertion]] galls empty, the larva having probably gone underground. In some larva outside among the web. Larva about e/4 inch long, dull greenish.

[[underline]] Celtidos miraculum. [[/underline]] Cecid. gall on Celtis. An irregular polythalamous swelling on twig, leaf stalk or base of midrib of leaf, or rather several ^ [[insertion]] 1 more or [[strikethrough]] partly [[/strikethrough]] less [[/insertion]] confluent roundish monothalamous galls .20 - .25 inch in diameter, pubescent & green like normal twig &c. When ripe bursting gradually open at tip & ejecting an [[strikethrough]] seedlike [[/strikethrough]] oval kernel .15 long, twice as long as wide, [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] sometimes [[/insertion]] a little constricted in the middle ^ [[insertion]] at tip. [[/insertion]] Inside the kernel is the larva, which is curdy milk-white .08 inch long, tapered towards the tail, 2 1/2 times as wide, Bb [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image with notation 'Head']] rufous, not quite attaining tip of jt. one; head large, conical , mouth dark rufous. Rolls over suddenly sideways, like Helianthi ..... larva. One larva had a small external parasite (Torymide?) attached to it, & one cell contained a large white ^ [[insertion]] hairy [[/insertion]] Chalcidous (Torymide?) larva. After gall has discharged the larval nucleus, it is occupied by a cup-like cavity at tip  Most of them thus empty; others contain nucleus partly free; in others the nucleus is internal but loose.

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