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 July 19.  - Bred 12 con. nenuphar from infected plums.


"Mantis" eggs rd. by Riley's correspondent to be found on an apple tree in his Orchard - in Ogle co.


[[underline]] Lyda cerasi. [[/underline]] Larva on C. serotina.
Immature larva. Length .60 inch. [[strikethrough] Color dull orange. A broad distinct dorsal & a narrow indistinct subdorsal stripe, greenish brown. Lateral roll (which is in Q. pruni) & a narrow ventral vitta, bright orange [[/strikethrough]] 

[[margin]] Box 7 N. 48 = 27 [[L?]] [[/margin]]

 Color dull green. A broad subdorsal stripe, the lateral roll (which is as in Q. pruni) & [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a central linear abd. vitta, all bright orange. Head black, polished; antennae black, 7-jd. 1st. jt. & tips 2 - 4 white. lst. jt ^ [[insertion]] body [[/insertion]] leg [[image]] black, Legs dusky-green, sutures & tips white. Anal Joint [[image with designation A]] above laterally [[strikethrough]] dusky, [[/strikethrough]] black, beneath entirely black. Thorns ^ [[insertion]] whitish [[/insertion]] 3-jd, last jt. black, middle black except tip & base, basal pale dusky at base. At "A" the middle is dull green edges orange.
  Mature larva. Length 3/4 inch. Bright deep grass green, with a darker dorsal vitta. Lateral roll pales. Head black, as well as antennae & polished. 1st. jt. ^ [[insertion]] body [[/insertion]] as in preceding. Legs black, sutures whitish Anal jt. [[image]] green ^ [[insertion]] above, [[/insertion]] with an impressed black patch on each side; beneath black behind the thorns. Thorns ^ [[insertion]] pale [[/insertion]] green [[strikethrough]] nish white [[/strikethrough]] instead of white, with same markings of black. No black marks between legs as in Q. pruni.

[[end page]]

[[start page]]


 July 20 Bred eight (8) Con. nenuphar, all usual size. + 10 in the afternoon


[[underline]] Anthonomus prunicidae. [[/underline]] Larva now has burrowed into kernel. Length .12 when partially straightened out, .10 when curled up. Milk-white, head yellowish white mandibles tipped with brown. Most of holes [[strikethrough]] contain [[/strikethrough]] lead to [[underline]] no burrow, [[/underline]] being simply bored for food. Tried 18 or [[strikethrough]] 14 [[/strikethrough]] 20 before finding a larva. Two or three holes led to kernel, but larva had perished. This lot of plums were gathered 4 or 5 days ago. Stones now quite hard. A few containing "curculio" ^ [[insertion]] larva [[/insertion]] still on trees, among this lot.


  July 21. Cut open about 50 wormy apples. Found the larva only in 3. Rest empty. Found crabs yesterday apparently infested by this insect. Put them in jar - [Yes = Bred from.]



July 22. Bred 3 "Curculio"


July 23   ____ 4  _______


July 24   ____ 2  _______


July 25   ____ [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]]   7 _______
+ 19 + 16 = 42 in all + 13 = 55
x Came out on wetting sand


Lyda cerasi. Shifted. Many (7 or 8) dead. Only 2 (brown ones) alive & vigorous. A ^ [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] green tenthred. larva on the cherry leaves, [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] 20 or 22-legged.


  July 22. The "scale" of Imported Barklouse now its normal shape, but smaller than when full-grown.


July 26 Bred 2 "Curculio" + 6


____ 27 ____ 2 __________ + 2
____ 28 ____ 3 __________

{Not a single "Curculio yet from prunicida plums.

Transcription Notes:
plum curculio = Conotrachelus nenuphar