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48) [[underlined]] Atomacera [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] n. sp. at the only Hylotomide in my collection without dark dot on disk of antepenultimate submarginal cell
Aug. 25. The number of the (carnivorous?) mites with antenniform front legs now very largely increased on the Potato Scab. All of them now have front 1/2 of body ^ [[insertion]] pale [[/insertion]] brown; before only some of them. Still a few of the white hairy acari, which I shufled on to the experimental potato.
 Aug 26 Bred plums & 2 nenuphar + 1 Hedya + 1 prunicida
Aug 27 - 2 nenuphar + 2 Hedya
Aug 28  2 + 1      [[nenuphar]]
Aug 29  2          [[nenuphar]]
Aug 30. 2          [[nenuphar]]
Aug 31. 2 + 2 + 1  [[nenuphar]]
Sep 1.  1 + 2      [[nenuphar]]
Sep 2.  1          [[nenuphar]]
Sep 4 [[strikethrough]] [[3]] [[/strikethrough]] 5
                   [[nenuphar]] + 3 Hedya
Sep 5 [[strikethrough]] [[4]] [[/strikethrough]] 
        2 + 4      [[nenuphar]]
Sep 6   1 + 2      [[nenuphar]]
Sep 7.  2          [[nenuphar]]
Sep 11. 1          [[nenuphar]]
Sep 13  1          [[nenuphar]]
Sep 14. 1            nenuphar
Sep 15. 1            Hedya [[image]]
Sep 18  3            nenuphar
Sep. 24 1           [[nenuphar]]
Sep 28  1           [[nenuphar]] (left in jar)

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Aug 29. In [[underlined]] Halesidota caryae [[/underlined]] (on apple, from Dr. Smith, N.Y.) there are a pair of subobsolete white pencils on jt. 3 behind head, a pair of ^ [[insertion]] distinct [[/insertion]] black [[?]] on joint 4, & same on jt. 10; & a pair of ^ [[insertion]] pretty distinct [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] subobsolete [[/strikethrough]] white pencils on 11 & ^ [[insertion]] subobsolete pair [[?]] [[/insertion]] on antr. 1/2 of 12, the latter in one out of 8 specimens black instead of white. Hence figure in Harris [[symbol]] his description. The belly is not black, as described by Harris, but yellowish white.
Sep. 4 13 Curculio placed with plums in quinine bottle all dead. 
Sep. 11. Large larva on Blackberry, ^ [[insertion]] (from Dombeck) [[/insertion]] near [[underlined]] Halesidota. [[/underlined]] Length [[strikethrough]] 1 3/4 [[/strikethrough]] 2 1/4 inches. Skin ^ [[insertion]] & Head [[/insertion]] very pale greenish ^ [[insertion]] yellow; body [[/insertion]] covered with long ^ [[insertion]] not dense [[/insertion]] silky bright gamboge-yellow hairs curved backwards. A lateral transverse black patch on jts. 2 - 11, & a dorsal ditto on jts. [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 5 - 11, behind this dorsal patch on jts [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 5  - 10 a short black ^ [[insertion]] dorsal [[/insertion]] pencil no longer than yellow hairs, & on jt. 11 a long black pencil. directed backwards. Abdomen black; less of prolegs vermilion red: legs black with whitish incisures; 16 legged. A subobsole short pencil on jt. ^ [[insertion]] 2 - [[/insertion]] 4, which in ^ [[insertion]] another [[/insertion]] recent specimen was ^ [[/insertion]] on 3? [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] a long pencil similar to that on 11. [ Went underground, both mine & Dombecks specimens). [[underline]] no [[/underline]] cocoon.]
In Vanessa Antiopa (Europ. specimens) hind edge of hind wing is [[underline]] whiter [[/underline]] than in N. A. specimens. See Lyell's [[underline]] Antiq. Man. [[/underline]

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Transcription Notes:
The lines on p. 48 are Walsh's 'ditto' Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man is a book written by British geologist, Charles Lyell in 1863 Vanessa Antiopa = morning cloak butterfly