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Sept 11. A large white cerambycidous larva 2.40 lay in decaying pine. 6 small legs, lst. pair on [[underline]] "fold," [[/underline]] which is subconfluent with prothorax. Thor. spir. between [[strikethrough]] fold [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] mesothorax [[/insertion]] & prothor. ^ [[insertion]] & outside of the "fold", which is transversely short. [[/insertion]] Segments dorsally & ventrally (not laterally) very much hunched.
Placed in a plugged hole in pine whence taken, & put the block under ^ [[insertion]] lower [[/insertion]] fence-rail, 5 ft. East of Privy. [In 1868 put in Glass jar. came out [[insertion]] end of June [[/insertion]] Orthosoma cylindricum.]
"Strachia histrionica" recd. from Dr. [[Summer?]] of Salisbury, N.C. & operates these as in Texas (see P.E. I. p. 110.) They have no "bed-bug" smell, but rather a pleasant odor; two reached me alive.
In Lycaena phlaeas (Europe) the outer [[image]] of spots on lower secondaries is much further from pale hind border of wing than I N.A. specimens = Americana Harria [[image]] not [[image]]
Sep. 17. Scales of [[underlined]] Asp. Harrisii [[/underlined]] now formed; very many ^ [[insertion]] milk white [[/insertion]] shed skins (such as I saw last winter) among them. Under each scale (10 specimens ^ [[insertion]] & over [[/insertion]]), & distinct & quite loose, is a larval Apod form ( = degraded barklouse?)  [ [[image]] ] with lateral hunchings on [[strikethrough]] pro [[/strikethrough]] thorax (representing 6 legs) & smaller hunchings on the two succeeding segments. Color of larva ^ [[insertion]] yellow, or [[/insertion]] pink or blood-red, length about .03 inch [[image]] (more correct).
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[[note: small note overlays portion of entry. Note transcribed at end of entry]]
Saw one more [[underlined]] distinctly; [[/underlined]] No perceptible mouth or rostrum.
Sep. 22. Received many [[underlined]] Gordius, [[underlined]] white, 9 1/2 - 10 1/2 inches long, & will stretch without breaking to 21 inches long. Color [[underlined]] white, [[/underlined]] not [[underlined]] black, [[/underlined]] like that of [[Aga?]] ([[underlined]] Methods [[/underlined]] &c p. 63 ^ [[insertion]] See also Ess. [[Classid.?]] Part lst. p. 125 [[/insertion]] From John Akhurst, Brooklyn, N.Y. His informant saw 40 - 45 "delivered" ^ [[insertion]] i.e. dropped out [[/insertion]] from larva of [[underlined]] Attacus Cecropia. [[/underlined]] Larva with alcoholic specimens of [[underlined]] Gordius [[/underlined]] sent me, also 4 living specimens in [[invert]] (clay moist) [[/invert]], 3 of which, unwounded, I placed in water, & 1 being wounded I stretched till it broke. Required a strong pull to break it. [lived month in water.]
On Sep. 19 P. B. Sibley, of St. Joseph, Mo., saw "millions of [[underlined]] Danais plexippus[[/underlined]] filling the air to the height of 3 or 400 feet for several hours; flying from north to south, & quite as numerous as the locusts [[underlined]] [grasshoppers] [[/underlined]] last fall."  A living specimen sent me. See also J. I. p. 163 
PE. II. 42
Cocc. 9-notata
[[strikethrough]] [[S?]] fimbrinata [[/strikethrough]] Harpactor cinclus [[ (St?) ]] [[strikethrough]] Hipp 13-punctata [[/strikethrough]] 
Tetracha virginica, Calosoma calidum & externum, Pasimachus elongatus, Harpalus  caliginosus, 4 or 5 Platypus, 5 Lebia including grandis, & [[underlined]] Collops [[underlined]] [[image]] 4-maculatus, all attaché larva of Colorado Potato Bus.
x ||
Oct. 15 6-legged [[underlined]] Arhopalus? [[/underlined]] larva in hickory Yellow, fold behind prothor. bearing front legs, stigma mesothoracic
[[small rectangle cut out of paper on top of entry]] ]] March 1. 1866 of
Cynthia cardui
THE CANADA FARME [[/small rectangle cut out of paper on top of entry]]