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[[NOTE: These two pages partially covered with notes which are transcribed on the following pages.  Uncovered, the text read as follows:]]


Oct. [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] 23. Found 7 or 8 [[underline]] Carpocapsa pomonella [[/underline]] spun up, but still in larva state, on middle standard tree, mostly on [[underline]] upper [[/underline]] surface of main forks. Also 4 or 5 empty pupa shells same place. None of either on Yellow Bellflower.


Oct. 17 Caught [[underline]] Musca domestica [[underline]] 1/2 mile from house beyond Sandy Ford.


Nov. 7. Coated two boughs on Yellow Bellflower (each marked with large red string & West of the others) with a solution of homemade soft soap, 1 part soap to 4 parts water. When cold it was almost a jelly, when warm as thin as thin paint. Used a very soft shaving brush.
No rain for weeks afterwards. [Coated a few other limbs near these (W & NW) but not marked.]

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Oct. 27. [[underline]] Aspid conchiformis. [[/underline]] On branch treated with soap ^ [[insertion]] [in the Spring] [[/insertion]] found one (old) scale containing young [[underline]] dead [[/underline]] larvae. Must have been killed by the soap, [[underline[[ while still under the scale. [[/underline]] [Might have died naturally.]

ΒΆ  In a piece of twig 1 ft. long & averaging 1/3 inch in diameter, which had been covered in the Spring of '67 with many hundred scales, most of which were still adhering today to the bark, but of course contained not [[underline]] plump ]] eggs (eggshells plenty), & which twig had been thickly salted over with young barklice when June 12 (p. 29) it was treated with soap solution; I found on removing all the ^ [[insertion]] [[underline]] hundreds [[/underline]] of [[/insertion]] scales, both old & new, with the a        & examining each separately under the lens, but [[underline]] seven [[underline]] scales containing eggs & [[strikethrough]] therefore recent. [[/strikethrough]] which must therefore have survived the effects of the soap. On the same twig, after the above process had been gone through, which necessarily obliterated or removed many of the young barklice killed by the soap, I [[strikethrough]] found [[/strikethrough]] counted [[underline]] 422 [[/underline]] young barklice still adhering to the bark & which much therefore have been killed by the soap.

  Hence, assuming that only these 422 were killed by the soap, & that the 7 surviving ones had been there when the soap was applied; the soap must

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