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8) Sept. 5. [[underline]] Melaphis Rhois [[underline]] N.Y. Even a larger proportion than from Ill. have 5-jd. ant; [[strikethrough]] those [[/strikethrough]] many with 4-jd. antennae [[underline]] certain. [[/underline]] [[underline]] All [[/underline]] 2 discordals in hind wing. 


Found in [[underline]] Vitifolia [[/underline]] along with wingless [[female symbol]] (as usual) a ( [[female symbol]] ?) with ^ [[insertion]] very short but [[/insertion]] distinct lateral black wings, 2 of them? Placed in vial with the galls -- Evidently several [[?]] grown yellow lice in some galls, beside the mother-lice. -- Found 2 or 3 very minute round active Acarus inquilinous in galls.


Sep. 5 The [[underline]] populous [[/underline]] at Chippk. W of big tree are [[underline]] Tremuloides [[/underline]]


Found oak H. lesselaris on Hazel & Euonymus. 


Willow { [[M?]] [[rubr?]] Nematus all gone underground.


Sep 7. [[underline]] Vitis tentaculum. [[/underline]] New lot from Bloomington. Contained many [[underline]] Leucopis [[/underline]] larvae.

  [[underline]] Corni Tuba (?) [[/underline]] on C. stolonifera (Red twigs & white berries)

 [[underline]] Vitis siliqua. [[/underline]] on wild V. cordifolia. Many now bored, brown inside & empty, main veins of leaf & round, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] .30 - .35 [[/insertion]] inch in diameter. Two rounded or suboval on leaf stalk same size; One oval, on leaf stalk next leaf, .90 long, .40 in diameter. ^ [[insertion]] Polythalamous. [[/insertion]] Larva white, Bb [[insertion]] [[image]] [[/insertion]] tip black, rest pale brown.


 [[underline]] Coryli plica. [[/underline]] Empty now, brown inside (like many of the above) with some inquilinous Lepidopt.


Sep. 8 The Delaware grape is claimed by the Germans to be derived from a foreign grape - the Traminer grape - of Germany ( [[?]] Mc.Neil.)


first raised by a man in N.J.; brought thence to Delaware, Ohio.

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Packard ([[underline]] Proc. [[/underline]] &c III p. 336) says larva of [[underline]] Lagoa crispata [[/underline]] is 20-legged.


[[underline]] Vitifolia. [[/underline]] Same on Delaware, but a little more wooly beneath. Same coccus & eggs; 1 Thrips larva large; also ^ [[insertion]] 4 or 5 [[/insertion]] [[underline]] Leucopis [[/underline]] larva ^ [[insertion]] & puparia [[/insertion]] & some [[?]] imagos. Galls almost all empty.


Sep. 9. [[strikethrough]] Dant [[/underline]] Datana ministra (shifted to apple) larvae now [[underline]] no yellow necks [[/underline]] (one inch long.)


A red hexapod insect? with distinct head [[image]] adhering by mouth to [[underline]] Brochimena annulata. [[/underline]] No sutures to body; But dark dots for [[?]] = Leptus phalangii? [[?]] Curtis F. Ins. p. 190


  Found 1 Xerophylla on a leaf of Carya alba. Antennae [[image]] 1 (-2 connate) 2 = 3 or 4 connate. Prothorax dull luteous; thorax black polished abd. rufous.


  Found many [[underline]] Dat. ministra [[/underline]] 1.40 long on oak. Yellow neck: vittae pure white, hairs white, full as long as width of body. (One in alcohol - with "Swallow" larvae.


[[underline]] Caryae rufo-pilosa. [[underline]] n. sp. ^ [[insertion]] ( = Holotricha 2nd type) [[/insertion]] On C. alba, ^ [[insertion]] on [[/insertion]] lower face of leaf. Globular, .22 & under in diameter, with dense fulvo-rufous pilosity. Larva milk-white .07 long, Bb [[image]]



[[underline]] Caryae lamina. [[/underline]] Many now almost globular, but no larva yet. [[symbol]] Caryae & by the hemispherical protuberance above on leaf.


[ [[underline]] Caryae [[/underline]] O.S ] ^ [[insertion]] larva [[symbol]] = [[underline]] C. glogulus [[/underline]] n. sp. [[/insertion]] on C. alba. Larva yellow [[strikethrough]]ish[[strikethrough]] .10 long, dorsal pseudopods. Sutures deeply indented. Bb [[image]] brown: [[image]] above ^ [[insertion]] head [[/insertion]] Gall thin, hard, highly polished inside. .13 diameter or less.


[[underline]] Persicoides. [[/underline]] C. alba. Shell very thick & fleshy. ^ [[insertion]] = 1/3 diameter of gall [[/insertion]] twice as long as wide, BB [[image]] [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] almost [[/insertion]] .30 in diameter. small nipple.

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