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[[underline]] Caryae boletus. [[/underline]] Larva inside x [[image]] While. Bb [[image]] [[image]]

[[underline]] Caryae pomun. [[/underline]] In one found 1 large callimome? larva, hairy

[[underline]] Caryae lamina. [[/underline]] [[image: cell (black) Larva white, Bb [[image]]

[[underline]] Caryae patella. [[/underline]] (Cup-& saucer-gall) same structure. Larva wh. Bb [[image]]

[[underline]] Caryae tuberculosis. [[/underline]] [[symbol]] globulus in being covered with tubercles. Larva white, 3 times as long as wide Bb [[image]] [[underline]] uniform. [[/underline]] on C. alba, below on leaf.

[[underline]] Corni bulla [[/underline]] n. sp. on C. stolonifera. ^ [[insertion]] Cecid [[/insertion]] A blister like swelling on lamina of leaf, 1 - 3 on a leaf, more or less [[?]] with blood-brown, irregularly round, .10 - .20 in diam, inside a hollow between the two plates of leaf, between which is larva .80 long, white-hyaline, 5 times as long as wide, Bb. [[image]] (shape indistinct). Many empty (& bored?) 


Corni tuba. on C. stolonifera (certain - berries white) Largest now .70 long & .20 in diameter. Often a small tube on upper side of leaf, but solid, ^ [[insertion]] tinged with rosy [[/insertion]] sometimes 4 ^ [[insertion]] galls [[/insertion]] on one leaf. Many cells now empty, yet not apparently bored One contained a cecid. larva, [[?]] with curdy markings, Bb [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image]] acute behind .12 long In one cell [[underline]] Callimome [[/underline]] larva


Sep. 10 [[underline]] Eurytoma hordei [[/underline]] [[insertion]] see p. 38 [[/insertion]] galls. 1 larva head downward. Some galls bored with six holes, mostly about 3. About [[strikethrough]] 2/5 [[/strikethrough]] 1/3 [[insertion]] 2/3 [[/insertion]] of whole lot sent bored, or exactly 39 bored, 75 not  Two bored holes contained unmistakable frass of some curculionide ( or Lepid.  [[insertion]] {larva might have left galls [[/insertion]] but cant be lipid. ∵ no pupa case)

Many elongate dead black larvae found in cells, & to one attached a ^ [[insertion]] small [[insertion]] short pale glaucous chalcid (?) larva. recent of not above. [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] Out of another apparently

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not shrunken, wounded by accident, emerged a larger one of same color but wounded too.



  Parasitic? larva [[written over]] [[undecipherable]] [[/written over]] [[insertion]] { Semiotellus chalcidiphagus ^ [[insertion]] bred [[/insertion]] next year - [[/insertion]] found in one cell & belonging to fly out of another. Length .13, 4 1/2 - 5 times as long as wide, pale glaucous green, darker except [[strikethrough]] head [[/strikethrough]] 1 or 2 thoracic & anal jts. Jaws [[image]] dark, transverse, not distinct. Body a little tapered towards anus. ___ To this must belong 11 black dead larvae found in cells; 11 [[underline]] yellow [[/underline]] found dead & shriveled belong to [[underline]] Hordei. [[/underline]] (Mandibles of [[underline]] Hordei. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image]] )

  Internodes in straw usually much contracted, ^ [[insertion]] (as in [[underline]] triticoides [[/underline]] &c) [[/insertion]] often to 1 1/2 inch long, never exceeding 6 inches. Only 3 straws when 2 internodes bore galls, & then 2 succession internodes. Galls generally not far from lower knot; rarely in the middle or even close to upper knot.


  Opened 2 [[underline]] Q. prunus [[/underline]] galls, [[insertion]] some 2 feet from root [[/insertion]] 2 yrs old. One had 1 plump larva (long?), 1 dead & dry ditto.


Found on Cornus stolonifera 2 sub-tents made by common black [[underline]] Myristica [[/underline]] enclosing a ^ [[insertion]] dense [[/insertion] mass of [[underline]] Aphis; [[/underline]] none winged but honey tubes. On a twig, oval about .6 or .7 of a brown color loosely compacted. Crumbles when handles. A few holes left for [[?]]. Preserved one. [Figd. in P. E. Paper on Plantlice]


Set 11. [[underline]] Vitis tentacularis [[/underline]] on Lush's Clinton vine.


[[underline]] Vitifolia [[/underline]] New galls continually formed on [[underline]] young [[/underline]] leaves. Those on old leaves mostly empty now. The [[underline]] coccus [[/underline]] has only black dots, not prominent, for eyes. [[symbol]] [[underline]] Aphis. [[/underline]] Very young galls on young leaves contain not old mother-louse ∴ made by larvae?

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Transcription Notes:
Bb = breastbone Semiotellus chalcidiphagus Walsh & Riley