Viewing page 13 of 130

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= (A)? a white Acarus, very active     p. 23 o

dark blood-red 6-legged (?) with
short hairs                            p. 23 oo


B. blood-red, not hexapod, ant. legs very short, scarce longer than mouth. Legs & mouth yellowish}
                                       p. 24


A) Pale yellowish, 8-legged front lets as long as others, used as antenna [ [[male symbol]] of B?] a pair of retractile palpi-like organs each side of [[strikethrough] palpi [[/strikethrough]] snout or mouth.}                                p. 24


[[symbol]] cannibals on scale White hairy adult mites.                                 p. 53 xx
[[NOTE: Should be p. 54 xx]]


Pale yellow, two long {mand. & palpi short snout between them - octopod & legs even


[[symbol]] In company with 2 larvae fun very fast, front legs = ant, which none of the others did. Very pale yellow. no thoracic division.} 
                                      p. 54 (last x)


Synopsis of ^ [[insertion]] adult [[insertion]] found in or about scales of Aspidiotus couchiformis


[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Walsh uses x, o, oo and other symbols as margin/section markings