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14) Inferior surface with two slender bluntish ^[[insertion]] coal [[/insertion]] black [[strikethrough]] thora [[/strikethrough]] hooks projecting in front when mouth is protruded at base of which is a smaller pair connected with the base of the others like the antlers on a stags' horn. At base of 1st jt behind head a ^ [[insertion]] dorso-lateral [[/insertion]] transverse [[strikethrough]] lateral [[/strikethrough]] pale-horn pseudopod.


Pupa oval, 2 1/2 times as long as wide, pale brown.


Bones roundish ^ [[insertion]] rough [[/insertion]] cavities ^ [[insertion]] size of pea [[/insertion]] in flesh of apple, irregularly connecting, their inside brown.


x| Dec 1. Antennae of [[underline]] Aciculata are [[/underline]] 14-jd. (4 spec.)


Dec 2. [[insertion]] {See Stanton's [[underline]] Ent. Ann. [[/underline]] 1856 p.57 [[/insertion]] Larva of Walshia amorphella. Length .25 - [[strikethrough]] .28 [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] .30 [[/insertion]] inch 4 1/2 times as long as side. Opaque greenish white. Head dusky, carina [[image: V]] [[underline]] (not [[image: Y]]) [[/underline]] shaped & whitish. 1st seg.t with dorsal transversely obsemicircular [[image]] dusky plate, [[strikethrough]] mediall [[/strikehtorugh]] divided long.y by a dorsal pale line. Spiracles distinct, dusky; [[?]] dusky jts 2 & 3 with a single transverse row of 8 or 9 hair-bearing small flat tubercles, outer 2 on each side larger jts 4 - 11 with a double row of small [[?]] ^ [[insertion]] all these but slightly darker than general color [[/insertion]] Legs tinged on sutures with dusky ^ [[insertion]] Head & [[?]] pretty hairy [[/insertion]] Prolegs [[strikethrough]] top [[/strikethrough]] tinged dusky.


In one gall [[insertion]] 5 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] specimens [[/insertion]] found ichneumon larvae, scaly head ^ [[insertion]] with [[?]] hooks [[/insertion]]


Sect J. I. 58 |  Gall [[underline]] Amorpha ancorphella. [[/underline]] An oval [[strikethrough]] ^ [[/insertion]] wooden [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]] enlargement of a small [[?]] to 2 1/2 - 6 times its normal diameter, the part beyond the gall withering & drying up, the gall itself .65 - 1.00 inch long & .17 - .36 in diameter Interior

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woody with an irregular channel eaten by the larva, of a brown color communicating above with a small closed up tubercle by which the larva after hatching out from the egg evidently made its entrance. Larva always now lying at the lower end of channel & several of them spun up in a fine ^ [[insertion]] loose [[/insertion]] silken cocoon but not gone to pupa. In several the larva had died & dried up. In 3 cases 2 galls one above the other. Described from [[insertion]] 36 [[/insertion]] 36 36 specimens


Dec 5. Opened puparium of [[underline]] Vitifoliae[[/underline]] leucopis. Found inside a fleshy robust ^ [[insertion]] living? [[/insertion]] pupa (white-hyaline) with head towards [[image]] (A) end of puparium. They split off the puparium near anal hooks. this end (3 specimens preserved.)


Dec 26. Pupa of Apple maggot recd from [[Wilke C. Fich?]], East Falmouth, [Mass?]. Length  [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] .13 - .10 [[insertion]] inch. Color pale yellowish brown, coarctate, 2 1/2 times as long as wide. Tail end (?) with two brown obliquely placed [[image]] flattened [[invert following]] tubercles laminiform ^ [[insertion]] roundish [[/invert]], then tips, which are [[invert following]] obliquely directed [[/invert]] backwards, even with tip of anus. Head end with two small flat ^ [[/insertion]] with 4 or 5 nipples [[/insertion]] brown tubercles on tip of jt. 1, transversely arranged ^ [[insertion]] eyes [[?]] [[/insertion]] Mouth blackish, tubercular, inferior, flattish, subtriangular. [[image]] 8 specimens. When immature (in apple) whitish, but tubercles &c brown as above. [Pupa identical when compared with those of Ct. larvae [[p. 13 -14.] Same from Isaac Hides, Feb. 8, 1867 - two specimens compared but in alcohol.

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Transcription Notes:
Walshia amorphella is a moth described by Clemens in 1864