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Feb. 82 Received 3 apple-maggot pupae in quill from Hicks. 1 (Compressed) placed in alcohol with Baetica larva: 2 placed in moist sand in [[underline]] smaller [[/underline]] of2 tin cans in cellar containing same insect. 
New disease of Potato. [[strikethrough]] Rough Bladder [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] Blister-[[/insertion]] like elevations on stem of tuber about 1Ž4 inch in diameter, often confluent & (Feb.) ^ [[insertion]] most of them [[/insertion]] burst open, showing the inside rough scaly & brown, with ^ [[insertion]] many [[/insertion]] minute globules of [[strikethrough]] round [[/strikethrough]] ex^[[insertion]] c [[/insertion]]rement Among these often in Feb. a milk-white ^ [[insertion]] cylindrical [[/insertion]] larva .10 - . 17 long, & 10 or 12 times as long as wide; head black, polished; above ^ [[insertion]] sub-quadrangular [[/insertion]] [[image]] & diameter 2/3 ^ [[insertion]] or 3/4 [[/insertion]] that of jt. 1 of body; beneath [[image]]; mouth (m) whitish. Joints of body subequal, 12 [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] shortish, then 1, then 2; rest equal. From Thos. L. I. Baldwin, Del. [also Mos. Conard, Penna P.E.I. p. 111.]  
Gall Tiliae ^ [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[[Arctone?]] Sheldon] [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Ovum (on Basswood See p. 18) from Michigan Very similar to Salicis ovum; length .45 - .50 inch.  { [[insertion]] Breadth [[/insertion]] Breadth .20. Inside ^ [[insertion]] fleshy & [[/insertion]] white, with transverse ^ [[insertion]] laminate [[/insertion]] division [[image]] axis of twig. Outside color of bark. Four specimens on twig 3 inches long, [[underline]] 2 of them confluent 
Larva [[/underline]] (3 specimens). Length .12 - .14 inch. &^ [[insertion]] & about 3 1Ž2 times as long as wide. [[/insertion]] color pale yellow. Perfectly apod. Head large & scaly with black-tipped parellel [[strikethrough]] [[jaw]] [[/strikethrough]] mandibles, & on vertex a pair of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] parellel erect blunt cylindrical ^ [[insertion]] [black?] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] horns ^ [[insertion]] transversely arranged & [[/insertion]] about twice as long as wide. Anus indicated by a black [[image]] & inferior. Tail with two [[strikethrough]] tuberculiform conical prominences [[/strikethrough]] conical tubercles contiguous, transversely arranged & tipped with black & directed backwards. [From Edw. E. Sheldon, Salem Wash. Co. Mich.] [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Cephus? [[/underline]] Larva. Lyda? [[Insertion]] Dipterous – [[Ather?]] [[/insertion]] A species lives on Aspens (Westw. P. 107) Bud in twig sent was [[underline]] gummy [[/underline]] when soaked. [[/strikethrough]] 
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[[start page]] 
March 10. In a [[underline]] Pelopaeus lunatus [[/underline]] cell divided by partition or diaphragm found [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] a fossorial? Cocoons in each along with 6 or 7 lepid. (ita) larvae about 1Ž2 inch long. Placed one in bottle, ^ [[insertion]] produced [[underline]] Chrysis ^ [[insertion]] bella Cresson [[/insertion]] May 19. [[/insertion]] (opened) Contained a very robust larva. [[image]] from memory, whitish, with small scaly head. [Bred long ago 3 imm. Fraternal S from mud-dabs.]
In same jar small (Ichneum?) cocoon, parasitic on [[underline]] Trypoxylon? [[/underline]]
Scolia spins from the mouth & a thread. (Passerine aphid St. Farg. III. p. 511
[[margin]] Box 7, No. 48 [[/margin]]
March 13.In a Pelopaeus cull (Privy), egg unhatched, found 6 spiders with 34d. jt. Of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] palpi branching out most curiously into a sub-brachiform process. Preserved in D. 10-lineata bottle. [They are the [[2 male symbols.]] ]
[ A [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] puddle is not necessarily deep, because one is unable to see to the bottom of it; neither is a lake necessarily shallow, because the eye can catch at a simple glance every object that exist beneath its [[strikethrough]] transpare [[/strikethrough]] pellucid waters. [[[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] Because one author writes in a clear & intelligible style, it does not follow that he lacks depth of research & profundity of conception. Because another [[strikethrough]] adopts [[/strikethrough]] indulges in muddy & obscure & tenebricose phraseology, it does not follow that he is a learned man & an original thinker.]
In practice, we often see ignorant fools cover up their lack of knowledge by a string of [[strikethrough]] technicalities [[/strikethrough]] misapplied long words as    for as they are distasteful &intelligible; while the really
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
lots of squeezed in phrases not sure where they were supposed to go 12/8/15: changed to Barbara's e-mail version.