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learned man, instead of going out of his way to try in techicalities head & shoulder, uses them only when they are absolutely necessary to give precision & accuracy to his statements. As a general rule, when an author thinks clearly he writes clearly; & when an author's ideas are confused, his expressions [[strikethrough]] partake become as disorganized as his mind [[/strikethrough]] partake of the disorganization of his mental faculties. [[strikethrough]]


Apr. 7 Gall [[underline]] Tiliae ovum [[/underline]] (See p. 16) Gathered today 12 specimens, one apparently bored, the 12 on 7 twigs. Twigs from .13 - .27 in diameter. Galls .22 - .49 long + .16 - .20 wide. Mostly with the epidemics longitudinally cracked in [[strikethrough]] anastomosing [[/strikethrough]] fine interrupted irregular cracks, so as to give a [[insertion]] ^ sub [[/insertion]] vittate appearance.

  Opened [[strikethrough]] one o [[/strikethrough]] two galls [[strikethrough]] cont [[/strikethrough]] sent from Michigan March 12, one (injured) empty; other contained a healthy dipterous puparium (Athericera). Length .11 inch, 4 times as long as wide.  Color pale dull green, anterior 1/4 black. Two slender cylindrical pale green anal horns directed backwards. Two more robust & shorter ones on venter directed upwards. On the anterior edge of [[strikethrough]] 6 or [[/strikethrough]] 7 last segments [[insertion]] ^ (exclusive of anal segment) [[/insertion]] a transverse row [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] all rounds of [[image]] minute black tubercles or short robust thorns, which on all but the last  [[insertion]] ^ i.e. antepenultimate
[[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] joint [[/strikethrough]] segment is dorsally interrupted [[image]] & replaced [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] opposite the interruption by a row of about 8 placed

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1/3 of way to tip of segment, & followed behind by a shorter row of 1 2 or 3. On the middle of each segment below [[insertion]] ^ i.e. ventrally [[/insertion]] a group of about 4 such tubercles, but no interruption opposite them.  Only 11 jts, including anal jt, besides head.


April 9. Larva of Bibio (albipinnis?) sent from Missouri have one pair of [[insertion]] ^ pretty [[/insertion]] large [[insertion]] ^ meso? [[/insertion]] thoracic spiracles [1 pair of very large ones on last (penultimate?) segment,] & 1 pair small on [[strikethrough]] the other [[/strikethrough]] abd. segments 1 - 8. Last joint double [[image]] & bears on inferior surface a pair of very large eye-like processes unlike spiracles, as they seem to have no opening. They are not in range with the true lateral spiracles.


Apr. 11. Larva of Solenobia walshella 16-footed - 10 prolegs subobsolete, but little hooks very plain & dark [[underline]] even on anal prolegs. [[/underline]] 


Apr. 9-12  3 imagos of Leucopis [vitifoliae] came out from last year's pupae.


Apr. 12. From Q. prunus gall found fall of '64 & which I had opened & reclosed with a larva in it Oct 11. 1865 (J. I. p. 178) Came out a fine [[underline]] Q. prunus [[/underline]] imago. Egg deposited fall of '63 [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] or spring of '64; imago comes out [[underline]] at least [[/underline]] 3 years afterwards. On opening the gall fromm which it had bored its way out, it was, 1/2 full of frass, showing that the larva had "fed up".


A [[underline]] stuffed Cecropia [[/underline]] had greased badly all over wings.


April 15 [[underline]] Gall Corni ovum. [[/underline]] On C. stolonifera. A round or oval lateral swelling on [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] twigs .l5 - .35 inch in diameter, color of twig, but mostly rough with widely-split ^ [[insertion]] pale brown [[/insertion]] flat, interlocking