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longitudinal fissures. Length .27 - 1.05 inch; breadth .19 - .49 inch. [[strikethrough]] Larva [[/strikethrough]] Several often more or less confluent. From 13 infested twigs. Inside of ^ [[insertion]] gall woody, with many elongate & confluent partially discolored cells or borings. [[/insertion]]
  Larva .10 long, Yellow with curdy markings, 4 1/2 - 5 times as long as wide, tapered [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] on terminal 1/3, head nipple-like when enserted [[image]], when retracted tip of bb. projecting from 1st. jt. Bb [[image]], slightly [[image]] bifurcate in front, black.
1 specimen.


April. 16 E [[image: map of Catholic burial g. with S[[outh] and W[[est]] indicated, and roads, site of Ash tree ]] [[underline]] Lasioptera [[/underline]] Found on Ash (?) at (O) perfectly covered with galls like S. [[strikethrough]] cec. [[/strikethrough]] enigma. Also noticed a few on ash saplings yesterday on the Island.


[[underline]] Rubi nodus. [[/underline]] On Rubus - (blackberry). ^ [[insertion]]  [[underline]] Lasioptera [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] An oval or roundish swelling on twigs .10 - .18 inch in diameter, Color of twig but with a few flat opaque rough pale brown cracks; [[strikethrough]] Length [[/strikethrough]] very generally but not always where a lateral bud is located, & several often partly confluent. Length [[strikethrough]] .60 [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]]  .35 [[/insertion]] - .90, breadth .23 - .40 inch. Inside as in corni ovum.

 [[underline]] Larva [[/underline]] as in [[underline]] corni ovum. [[/underline]] Length .10 - .13 inch, 5 times as long as wide. 9 specimens. A small white hairy chalcidous larva in one cell.

[[end page]]

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Gall [[underline]] S. nodulus. [[/underline]] on S. longifolia. Polythlamous: larva b.b. [[image]] Length .13 inch Apr. 18.


Found a [[underline]] Q. globulus? [[/underline]] gall on Q. prinus, var. discolor, containing in the central cell a recent but dead [[underline]] Cynips [[/underline]] [[female symbol]] (preserved) & in the surrounding sponge 2 or 3 larvae apparently cynipidous ^ [[insertion]]  [no: came out Chalcid. Eurytomide] [[/insertion]] but too small for [[underline]] oneratus. [[/underline]] In another such gall found another such [[female symbol]] [[underline]] Cynips. [[/underline]] [[underline]] Cynips. [[/underline]] [[female symbol]] scarcely differs from that of [[underline]] Q. alba [[/underline]] from [[underline]] Q. globulus [[/underline]] galls, except that ant. are 13-jd. not 14-jointed, joint 12 being [[underline]] square, [[/underline]] whereas in [[underline]] q. globulus [[/underline]] it is oblong, & jt. 13 having no distinct transverse suture, & being much shorter than 13 + 14 in [[underline]] c. q. globulus [[/underline]] [[female symbol]].


Atlantus & Acrida viridissima insectivorous partly ( Kty & Sp. p. 218. So if Sawflies also Curtis [[underline]] F. Ins. [[/underline]] )


[[underline]] Aspidiotus nerii [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ Bouché [[/insertion]] Kty & Sp. p. 109


April 30. Found Halica chalybea on grape-vine (no leaves out yet) ∴ it hybernates in imago.


Found 2 of the [[underline]] fuzzy [[/underline]] Blackberry galls on [[underline]] green [[underline]] stems. Cells all empty. Cecid.? Comes out in fall?


May 5. Found under  ^ [[insertion]] very [[/insertion]] rotten log

Serica sericea. Under a log

Nabis fera.

   In nest of Formica noveboracensis found 4 Atemeles cava. Ants did not carry them like plant-lice.

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Everything looked good to me, I just moved the ^ inside the [[insertion]] and deleted the final [[end page]]. - A.H.