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May 7. Found true [[underlined]] Q. ficus [[/underlined]] galls on Q prunus var discolor. On same form of Q. globulus, ^ [[insertion]] producing a distinct Cynipid.] [[/insertion]] Q. brassica on this oak? Yes.


May 11. Bred Cecidomyia (inquiline) from [[underlined]] S. nodus [[/underlined]] galls N.Y. (Nothing else in bottle.)


Black Silpha hybernates. Found 3 under log.


Dr. Schaum opposed to resuscitating old names ([[underlined]] Ent. Annual [[/underlined]] 1860 pp. 121-2)


May 18. Took Silpha lapponica for 1st time under dry bones


May 19 Larva in [[underlined]] Rubi nodus [[/underlined]] still alive. No pupae. Two [[image - cluster of ovals]] [[Prodotr?]]? masses.


May 20 Recd. from A.S. Fuller N. J. ^ [[insertion]] [Ridgwood Bergen Co, N.J.] [[/insertion]] a lepid. borer in Blackberry ^ [[/insertion]] died [[/insertion]] about 1-inch long, opaque white, with rufous head & blackish mouth.


May 25. Found in a nest of yellow ant under bark of an old rotten Honey-locust stump 4 larvae, coleopter? About .28 long, 2 1/2 times as long as wide, oval, flattened, with numerous short hairs & on back dense white cottony down like that of Pemphigus larva. On removing some of this [[underlined]] lightly [[/underlined]] with a Camel's hair pencil, little globules of a yellowish fluid started out from skin. Pores whence the cotton issued? or wounded the skin? Scarcely the latter. { ^ [[insertion]] [Two more bred June 22, one of which is marked with [[underlined]] white [[/underlined]] like [[Colt.?]] specimen, ] See p. 69 [[/insertion]]]] Came out one "Hyperaspis [[strikethrough]] sp. [[/strikethrough]] punctata Melsh (Lec.)

June 20. But in my 2 spec. of that sp. head & sides of thorax are yellow & tips of legs more extensively yellow. Also in this bred sp. short striae [[image]]

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May 26. Examined ^[[insertion]] off yellow Bellflower[[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Aspid conchiformis [[/underlined]] Lifted about 100 scales: no eggs yet hatched (apple trees now in full blossom, being a very backward spring.)

  Noticed many scales that had been irregularly gnawed into, not as if by an internal parasite; hole ragged & sometimes very ^ [[insertion]] large [[/insertion]]. Not [[underlined]] old [[/underlined]] scales, ∴ a few plump eggs still in some of them. Among the scales, noticed many [[underlined]] globular [[/underlined]] eggs, ^[[insertion]] [See pp 13] [/insertion]] diameter less than [[underlined]] shortest [[/underlined]] diameter of B.Q. eggs. Thought at first these were young B.I. but too small, no perceptible legs & perfectly motionless. Most of them pinkish, a few colorless. Noticed a white Acarus (very active) run into one of these bored scales & stay there a long time; did not, after long watching, see her come out. Saw afterward another (or possibly the same) in another bored gall, her body being visible outside. This mite [[strikethrough]] cam [[/strikethrough]] ran out on touched. Are not these rosy eggs mites' eggs, & do not the Mites gnaw open the scales & prey on the eggs? 


  In a gnawed scale off another tree ^[[insertion]] W of middle standard [[/insertion]] found a dark blood red 6-legged mite, body with short hairs. It ran out, & after watching it for a long time, it seemed to be gnawing off pieces of the bark &c & not to notice the B.b. scales.  In a scale (gnawed?) on this same twig found 3 or 4 young hyaline mites, 2 1/2 times as long as wide, hexapod [[image - mite]] among debris of eggs.

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Transcription Notes:
Hyperaspis punctata LeConte Melsh &c = etcetera