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  Out of another bored scale ^ [[insertion]] (same twig) [[/insertion]] came another (adult) blood-red, Acarus [^ [[insertion]] (B) [[/insertion]] [[underline]] Not [[/underline]] hexapod, both anterior legs short & {only 1/2 scarcely} longer than mouth. Legs & mouth yellowish but of another bored scale (same twig) came a pale yellowish adult mite 8 [[image]]-legged, front legs [[underline]] as long as [[/underline]] the others, but as usual vibrated the antenna. Is this [[male symbol]] ^ [[insertion]] (A) [[/insertion]] of the blood-red individual ^ [[insertion]] (B) [[/insertion] apparently 6-legged}

 In another (same twig) gnawed outside but not bored were 6 or 8 white Acarus larvae, hexapod & as before hind legs far backwards. These mites must have been what Dr. Fitch mistook for P.l. hatched out. A few of the supposed [[underline]] Acarus [[/underline]] eggs on this twig.


Following From middle tree
In a pale 8-legged mite (= A) besides 8 legs, a pair of retractile palpi-like organs each side of snout or mouth. This was moving about among scales. A number of mite (?) eggs near on the twig. on careful[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]] search could find not mite-work on this tree, perhaps because it leaves out so late. There were a few mites eggs on it.

  Bound no mite-work or mites (larvae) in scales of [[underline]] Aspidiotus? harrisii, [[underline]] taken from this tree.


May 30. Gall vitis spina. 6 [[insertion]] [[underline]] Cecid. [[/underline]] On [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "Texas mustang" grape vine from M. W. Philips, miss. A green ^ [[insertion]] sessile [[/insertion]] hollow conical, thorn-like gall .28 long & basally .10 wide, growing in divaricating bunches of 3 or 4 from lower side of the leaf. [[strikethrough]] Larva [[/strikethrough]] Outside longitudinally carinate with 

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about 10 or 12 carinae. Larva .07 long, orange with Bb. [[image]] [See P. W. I. p. 101, for 6 [[insertion]] similar [[/insertion]] galls recd. from Penna on Isabella grape.]


[[underline]] May 31. [[underline]] Bark-louse (imported) ^ [[insertion]] off Yellow Bellflower [[/insertion]] Some of the eggs turning yellow - perhaps 1 in 50 or 40. None hatched yet. Saw more of the globular eggs. The bored scales [[underline]] certainly [[/underline]] ^ [[insertion]] sometimes [[/insertion]] contain some ^ [[insertion]] plump [[/insertion]] eggs. Running about a very [[strikethrough]] hairy [[/strikethrough]] long-haired [[strikethrough]] reddish brown [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] brownish yellow [[insertion]] octopod mite, hairs nearly as long as diameter of body - mouth [[image]] three spots on back

Saw in immaculate brownish-yellow mite - octopod - no hairs noticed on it.

June 2. Opened the lot of Pseudotinctoriae galls gathered June 6. 1865. from Red Oak (2 or 3 were apparently [[underline]] q. inanis) [[/underline]] 1 contained a soft & fresh Cynip ? larva, [[image]] nearly as broad as long: 4 dead & dry larvae, ^ [[insertion]] (each 1 larva) [[/insertion]] not mouldy: 11 were empty or mouldy inside: 6 were bored, 1 containing the tail of pupa of [[female symbol]] Callimome. On sand bottom of jar found 5 [[female symbol]] [[underline]] Callimome [[/underline]] dead, apparently same as those bred from [[underline]] Q. spongifica & Q. inanis. [[/underline]] Reserved them; they were in good order.


Also opened old lot of Pseudotinctoriae galls of year 1863, gathered ^ [[insertion]] April 8, 1864 [[/insertion]] on ground from under a Red Oak at "Libellula 4-maculata corner." 3 were empty: 3 contained ^ [[insertion]] each one a [[/insertion]] dead & dry but not mouldy larva: 3 Chalcid. imagos, each one. Preserved.

  [[strikethrough]] Three [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] Four [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] mixed in with the [[/insertion]] [[underline]] Gall Quercus cinnamomea [[/underline]] above belonged to a very distinct kind of gall.  Roundish, shell ^ [[insertion]] pale dull greenish, yellow-brown [[/insertion]] very thin, generally shriveled & wrinkled outside ^ [[insertion]] so nipple as in Pseudotinctoriae [[/insertion]]. Inside surface of shell ^ [[insertion]] dark [[/insertion]] Cinnamon [[strikethrough]] cianamon [[/strikethrough]] brown: Central cell [[underline]] very [[/underline]] large, oval, ^ [[insertion]] dark [[/insertion]] cinnamon brown .30 x .20, with a distinct ^ [[[insertion]] stout [[/insertion]] peduncle at one end by which 

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