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it is attached to the shell, apparently at the [[strikethrough]] peduncle [[/strikethrough]] point of attachment of the gall. [[insertion]] ^ [[strikethrough]] cell solid, but its walls thin, [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Also cinnamon brown radiating fibres, rather slender.  
Of the above four, 2 contained dead [[underlined]] Cynips [[/underlined]] imago in good order, 1 had apparently been bored by a Chalcid, & 1 was much eaten and contained [[insertion]] ^ wingless [[/insertion]] Queen & workers of [[underline]] Myrmica [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ my second species [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] molesta [[/underlined]] ? Say. [[/strikethrough]] Shell of cell thin but solid, inside smooth opaque, cinnamon brown with a whitish tinge or bloom.

[In the above (mixed) lot of galls, I had found (J.I. p.  80) [[insertion]] ^ when gathering in 1864 [[/insertion]] living Cynip. larva, & Apr. 24. '66 one plump & fresh.]

[[underline]] Cynips q. cinnamomea. [[/underline]] 2 [[female symbol]]. Very like acculata; abd. same shape, but [[underlined]] red [[/underlined]] not [[underlined]] black. [[/underlined]] Ventral valve has long seta at tip. [- N.B. the true [[underlined]]  Q. pseudotinctoreae [[/underlined]] galls, in the same bottle all the time, had not changed color one particle, being still whitish.  All the galls were sound & none of them at all mouldy.]  In this species also the two little pits before the scutel are much larger than in [[underlined]] aciculate [[/underlined]] & separated by a distinct & lofty carina.  Is this the Dimorphous [[female symbol]] form of C. q. inanis?


June 4 [[underlined]] Imported Louse [[/underlined]] has now mostly hatched out. Larger than eggs, yellowish white, & legs equidistant.  Crawl on bark very perceptibly many of them, even to naked [[insertion]] ^ eye; [[/insertion]] looking like [[underlined]] little [[/underlined]] moving white dots [[insertion]] ^ or specks of fine flour. [[/insertion]] from 1/2 longer to twice as long as wide.


June 4)

C. q. palustris gall has kernel loose even in very young galls.

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[[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]] Cerasi crumena now nearly full grown. No mites, but in one gall a minute larva with pointed head, Syrphidous? Ulmi loculus?  Quarter-grown. No mites.


 June 5. Many eggs now hatched out from C. harrisii scales.  Larva blood-red, cannot be seen with naked eye, sluggish.  


Gall ulmicola [[insertion]] ^ almost [[/insertion]] open below now; 1 wingless mother-louse in each.


June [[overwritten]] 7 [[/overwritten]] 6. "Gray culworm" [[insertion]] ^ 7 specimens (1 small & sickly) very like Carter plates E fig. 12 [[/insertion]] from Townley Wisc., feeds on tree leaves & onions, hollyhocks, pea, & cauliflowers.  
Length of largest 1 1/4 inch. Color [[insertion]] ^ very [[/insertion]] pale greenish gray. [[strikethrough]] Two [[/strikethrough]] A jaunty dark line [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] on each side of dorsal line which is double  [[insertion]] ^ & is the systole & diastole of the internal tube [[/insertion]] [[image - 4 vertical lines]] Joint 1 with an obscurely polished transversely obsemioval [[image - half-circle]] shield  [ [[image - semicircle with several short lines drawn in it]] ] spotted & with dorsal pale blue; Head subpolished & with similar spots.  Joints 2 & 3 each with a single row of 6 spots or humps [[image - 3 dots, 2 vertical lines, 3 more spots]] Following jts. with 4 dorsal [[image - box with a dot in each corner, but the top 2 dots with the dots closer than the bottom 2]] & 1 just above spiracle.  On penult. jt. [[image]] nearly in square. On ant. 1/2 of anal jt. [[image]] postr. 1/2 spotted like jt. 1 & [[strikethrough]] [[4?]] [[/strikethrough]] subpolished. Head & cervical plate slightly more yellow than body. Spiracles black 


"Olive cutworm" found [[insertion]] ^ in soil [[/insertion]] at base of apple tree. Length 1. 10 inch [[insertion]] ^ Very [[/insertion]] pale olive, with [[strikethrough]] lighte [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ dark olive [[/incsertion]] mottlings. Dorsal line pale. [[insertion]] ^ a broad [[insertion]] Subdorsal dark olive [[insertion]] ^ line [[/insertion]] shading off gradually towards the dorsal line. Cervical shield [[image]] dark olive, with pale dorsal line.  Head as body, with [[image]] dark olive vitta each side. Beneath

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed - fab transcription btw! Made some very minor edits & think it's ready to complete -@siobhanleachman Yes. Bracketing can become very confusing in Walsh, as he sometimes has insertions within insertions (!) or strikethrough/underline/insertion all in one phrase. Also, don't forget ^ when he uses it. Well done. Hi, Is it okay to indicate handwritten insertions by the writer into a previously handwritten sentence by typing [[insertion]] [[/insertion]] before and after the words inserted?