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 [[insertion]][June 13 one had gone to pupa just under the sand. Others undev. [[/insertion]] 
very pale olive. Stigmatal line olive, also shading out gradually upwards. Dots or humps about as in preceding but indistinct & subobsolete


Lasioptera rubi-nodus [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]] - [[female symbol]] with a white ^ [[insertion]] conspicuous (sometimes in fresh specimens yellowish) [[/insertion]] band occupying 1st abd. jt above. Rest abd. rufous. Thor. ruf. brown above [[female symbol]] with the band yellowish & inconspicuous.


Lasioptera corni ovum. [[image-drawing of insect wing with veins]] not [[image-drawing of insect wing with veins] (two spec ms) not so under  [[strikethrough ]] [[?dding]] [[/strikethrough]] on Cent.  but junction faint


June  9. Populicaulis galls on cottonwood  now 1/3 grown--each contains a sample subglobular very large mother-louse & many small larva. No eggs. Globular bodies of very various sizes among them, looking like eggs, but dissolve into sap on touching them with pencil. Ant. Mother louse 3-jointed. Tarsi apparently 2-jointed under Stanhope, 2 very distinct irregularly robust claws. Opened 12 galls. One mother-louse only in each.


Tilia crumena? now over half grown.


June 11. In [[underline]] Asopia costalis [[/underline]] (Clover worm moth) [[female symbol]] has two nearly naked telescopically protruded joints beyond caudal brush.

June 10. On shifting wisc. cutworms (p. 27) found they had eaten apple leaves freely & not touched young pea-plants 4 or 5 inches long. Re ^ [[insertion]] - [[/insertion]] fed with apple leaves only.


June 11. [[underline]] Asp. conchiformis. [[/underline]  Larva had now [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] become stationary, presenting the appearance of flat white conspicuous scales, oval & 1/3 longer than broad, long diameter = 1/3 transverse extreme diam. of old scales.

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[[start page]]


Found  no [[strikethrough]] moving [[/strikethrough]] larva ^ [[insertion]] or white eggs [[/insertion]] under scale, but under 2 or 3 one or two [[underlined]] yellowish [[/underlined]] eggs.  Addled? ^ [[insertion]] & stationary larva (2 or 3) under a few scales [[/insertion]] Stationary larva lost ^ [[insertion]] almost [[/insertion]] all appearance of organization, legs with difficulty perceptible on holding up to light; motionless. ^ [[insertion]] no beak visible [[/insertion]] Old scales full of [[?]] shells of hatched eggs. White appearance of larvae caused by pruinoseness, which being removed by a wet pencil, they are ^ [[insertion]] pale [[/insertion]] yellow. May be detached from bark by a wet pencil. Should not have supposed them living animals, but for having seen them move &c on June 4. They were also motionless June 10, when I examined dozens. Thus in [[underlined]] 6 [[/underlined]] days this real change takes place.


Saw globular minute ^ [[insertion]] blood-red [[/insertion]] eggs (a few) among the scales, some of them hyaline as before.


Besides pruinoseness, threads of hair-like cottony ^[[insertion]] floss [[/insertion]] irregularly attached to larva.  The larvae may now be easily rubbed off with finger or with a hard brush.


June 12 [[insertion]] {No rain for 6 days afterwards. [[/insertion]] Washes tried on young bark-lice (conchiformis)

 A. Tobacco (common smoking) 1 quart to 7 quarts water, boiled for 3 hours. White string. Furthest west.
 B. Soft soap (domestic) 1 to [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] 6 of water. Red & white mixed string. Furthest east. Two separate boughs.
 C. Potash (saleratus) water. 1 to 50 of water by measurement. Middle bough. Red string. 

[Extreme tips of above bough not dosed. All thick with stationary Barlice.] 

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Transcription Notes:
Thor. = thoracic