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 have destroyed life in the proportion of at least 422 [[strikethrough]] to 7 [[/strikethrough]] out of 429, or 98 1/3 per cent of the whole number to which it was applied.

  But I feel confident that there must have been nearer 4000 than 400 young barklice on the piece of twig when the soap was applied, & that many of them were subsequently to their death beaten off the twig by the weather,  besides those detached by the above process. It is also not impossible that some, if not all, of the living 7 scales had crawled on to the twig from its ^ [[insertion]] extreme [[/insertion]] tip, which was [[underline]] not [[/underline]] dosed with soap.

  Found two white hairy Mites (adult) under a scale, 
xx| where 1/3 eggs were white & plump, the rest yellowish & shrunken. Sucked them? Found two larval mites under scale, among debris of eggs; ^ [[insertion]] milky [[/insertion]] white, ^ [[insertion]] shining, [[/insertion]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 2 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] times as long as wide, size of cocc. egg: thorax distinct by transverse ^ [[insertion]] indented [[/insertion]] [[image]] line; not hairy; sluggish.
[[image]] Oct. 29 {Another found under empty scale Oct. 30
Mature mite is pale yellow - two long [[insertion]] { palpi? [[/insertion]] mand. & short snout between them - octopod - legs even.

Found a simple ^ [[insertion]] very minute [[/insertion]] { [[underline]] globular [[/underline]] pinkish egg next a scale ^ [[insertion]] & another whitish by alive (empty? [[/insertion]]
 { (same as noticed last year)
In one scale found [[underline]] two [[underline]] acarid larvae - eggs ^ [[insertion]] (coccid) [[/insertion]] white. Found acarid [pupa] [[image]] - [[strikethrough]] hexapod [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] octopod [[/insertion]] - 4 hind legs remote from 4 front legs - ^ [[insertion]] shining [[/insertion]] white like larva & about same size, but rather more elongate. Also a 2nd. disso - sure of 8 legs.

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[[NOTE: This entry partially covered with note, shown at bottom of entry]]
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A larval acarus under a scale, containing nearly all plump white eggs: ∴ attacks [[underline]] recent [[/underline]] eggs.
  At this season but very few scales (1 out of 100) have eggs fall from them like flour.

 On a rough estimate, 1/2 the recent scales are attacked by mites; a good many completely gutted nothing but the shriveled egg-shells remaining. Sucked eggs are [[underline]] yellow, [[/underline]] not [[/underline]] white. [[/underline]]


[ Gordius alive still ]


   Oct. 30. Acarid larva (?) octopod. [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Not elongate. Uses ^ [[insertion]] 4 [[/insertion]] hind legs but little in walking. [Mistake about its being hexapod]

¶¶ In a similar piece of twig to ¶ p. 53, treated with Saleratus water June 12 (see p. 29), found 201 scales undoubtedly containing recent eggs, & only 9 scales killed immaturely. A great many scales (probably 200) which might have been gutted by Acari or been last year's old scales, were not Counted.

  Very mature Acarus, found in company with 2 larvae under a scale, runs [[underline]] very [[/underline]] fast, & [[strikethrough]] have a [[/strikethrough]] uses its front legs as antennae, which none of the others did. Very pale yellow. [[underline]] No [[underline]] thoracic division.

¶¶¶  Twig treated with tobacco-water, same nearly as that with Saleratus water. Probably at least 2/3 of the recent scales in both twigs infested by acarus: maybe 3/4.

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[snout too long: only 1/2 - 2/3 as long as thorax]

[[image of insect]] [[two vertical lines]] [[image of egg]] egg

[very fine hair from anus]