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The answer is simply this: let each person [...]
how much Tea or Coffee he wants, and select the kind and price from our Price List, as published in the paper or in our circulars. Write the names, kinds and amounts plainly on a list, and when the Club is complete send it to us by mail, and we will put each party's goods in separate packages, and mark the name upon them, with the cost, so there need be no confusion in their distribution - each party getting exactly what he orders, and no more. The cost of transportation the members of the Club can divide equitably among themselves. 
     The funds to pay for the goods ordered can be sent by drafts on New York, by post-office money orders, or by express, as may suit the convenience of the Club. Or, if the amount ordered exceed $30, we will, if desired, send the goods by express, to "collect on delivery." 
  Hereafter we will send a complimentary package to the party getting up the Club. Our profits are small, but we will be as liberal as we can afford. We send no complimentary packages for Clubs of less than $30. 


 N. B. -All villages and towns where a large number reside, by clubbing together, can reduce the cost of their Teas and Coffees about one-third by sending directly to the "Great American Tea Company".
 BEWARE of all concerns that advertise themselves as branches of our Establishment, or copy or name either wholly or in part as they are bogus or imitations. We have no branches, and do not, in any case, authorize the use of our name.
 Post-office orders and drafts make payable to the order of "The Great American Tea Company". Direct letters and orders to the