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[[Note: part of entry covered by notes, which are transcribed on following pages]]


Nov. 17. Carried down cellar
         1 big jar - Lophyrus Abbottii cocoons [bred]
         1 [[big jar]] - Harpalus? ^ [[insertion]] = 0 [[/insertion]] larva from Leming's place

         1 (tallest) narrow jar, 1 Heliothis armigera (Mo.) = 0
         + 1 Manestra picta ^ [[insertion]] = 0 [[insertion]] + 1 Black arctian, with white dorsal line Oct. 28 = 0
         1 (shorter small jar) pea-nut larvae (S. Ill) = 0
         [[underline]] Oncideres [[strikethrough]] amputator [[strikethrough]] cumulatus [[/underline]]] twig (pear). 3 eggs = 0
         3 curculion, larvae from Caryae fallax July 19. = 0


1 quinine bottle with 4 larvae (screw worm?) from Osage Orange ^ [[insertion]] seed, [[/insertion]] St. Louis = 0

Winter Majetin Apple [[?]] from Coccus in Europe (Darwin II. p. 231.)

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[[Note: part of entry covered by notes, which are transcribed on following pages]]


[[underline]] Pemphigus (melaphis) Rhois. [[underline]]

The narwhal is an example of an unsymmetrical mammal. [[underline]] Left [[/underline]] tush [[male symbol]], [[underline]] only [[underline]] developed. 


[[image with numbers]] Head end 
On Plum Dr. Hoy, Racine, Wisc. 


Scale like that of circularis Fitch.


[[image with number]] tail end. head.

Under the scale: (one actually found these)
[[underline]] Aspidiotus pruni-corticis [[/underline]] n. sp.
Bright yellow: diameter 0.02 inch
March 2, No legs.

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