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x| 1 + 2 Noctuid larva (found under board at Brook's) in jar with Garden Elaterid larvae. (all 3 [[symbol]])


In Brook's trees both Imported & Native Bark-louse; but the [[strikethrough]] latter [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] former [[/insertion]] is almost exclusively confined to the trunks & large limbs, the old dry dead scales being covered (in some trees quite thickly) with old dry scales, Very few indeed on smaller branches & twigs, & only on a few trees. The latter not numerous. Found plenty of eggs under the former.

  May 13. Shifted [[underline]] Elater [[/underline]] jar (p. 69) Found
  No. 1. 13 larvae (1 missing) + 1 on May 14.
  No. 2.  5 [[larvae]] (right)
  + 3 noctuid larvae (larvae) (right) + 1 (May 15) [2 shifted to new jar]


[[underline]] Ligyrus variolosus [[/underline]] (specm. sent) infests the roots of [[underline]] Coreopsis. [[/underline]] (Holcomb) In 1856 plants nearly killed by it.


May 17. Two noctuad larvae, found under dry dung-pats, + 2 from Elater larvae Jar (p. 69 & 71), placed in new jar. Also May 18 4 or 5 more.


May 18. Graham Lee "Lactua. quercina & pilosicollis (1 of former to 10 of latter) infest chestnut-trees in swarms". (Hamlet, Mercer Co.)


  May 18 & 19. Found 2 elateride larva No. 1 (p. 69) under dry dung & 2 under stones on the Island.

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May 19. ^ [[insertion]] Cage No. 3 [[/insertion]] Large noctuade larva, abundant under stones on the Island - 15 or 20 found. Length 1.85 inch, breadth .30 inch, 16-legged. Color umber-brown, a dorsal & a lateral stripe (narrow) & a wider [[strikethrough]] super [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] sub- [[/insertion]] stigmatal stripe, all brownish white, & extending whole length of body. lst jt. & anal plate shining black, with the stripes always distinct on them; the dorsal & lateral stripe sometimes obsolete elsewhere. Beneath pale brown; prolegs with a basal [[strikethrough]] bla [[/strikethrough]] shining black outer ^ [[insertion]] band [[/strikethrough]] [[ba?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] spot [[/strikethrough]] ; legs almost immaculate. Head often yellowish brown & paler than general color, subpolished, slightly rugose. Stigmata black. Curls up sideways [[image]]. Occurs under stones in grassy places, along with much pale bright green frass, apparently made from grass. fed them on grass. Preserved 1 normal & 1 dark glass-stoppered vial. Placed in same 5 or 6 [[underline]] Agrotis [[/underline]] -like larvae, also found under stones. [bred?]
failed to breed


Chrysalises placed in wire-cage May 19. two about .80 inch long, ^ [[insertion]] no cocoon [[/insertion]] found ^ [[insertion]] [[?]] [[/insertion]] under stones on Island apparently from hairy black Saturnia-like larva; also one ^ [[insertion]] (no cocoon) [[/insertion]] like that of [[underline]] Acronycta [[/underline]] near [[underline]] psi. [[/underline]] Also 1 [[underline]] Arctia virginica. [[/underline]] Placed all 4 in front right-hand corner. 
came out, dark moth


[in "Plum Lyda" Jar small chrysalis in cocoon found under stone on Island; cocoon tied up with fine white thread.]


May 20 - 1 [[underline]] naked [[/underline]] pupa (like Arctia Isabella) + 2 1/2 ^ [[insertion]] - 3/4 [[/insertion]] inch pupa, all found under stones.

[All the above of May 19 & 20 failed]

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