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     MILK SICKNESS. - [[italics]] The Medical and Surgical Reporter [[/italics]] states the the affectation of cattle known as milk sickness is caused by eating the white snake root, [[italics]] Eupatorium Ageratoidis [[/italics]]. This discovery seems to have been made by three separate observers, at about the same time. One of them, Mr. William Jerry, of Edwardsville, Ill., gathered this plant by mistake for the nettle, and eat it as boiled greens. On the day following, he was suddenly seized with violent trembling, prostration, and faintness, and on the next day with vomiting and violent retching. He did not fully recover in five years, and in the mean time tried the plant on domestic animals with similar results. Dr. Amos Sawyer of Hillsboro, Ill., Mr. R. N. Lee of Nokomis, Dr. McPheeters of St. Louis, Botanist, and Mr. Enno chemists, all coincide in the opinion that milk sickness is caused by this hitherto unsuspected plant, which animals are said to like when it is in bloom.