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This hillside which, it should be noted is rocky and in granitic soil, is characterized by the following predominant shrubs
. [[underlined]] Ephedra [[/underline]], dark green [[underlined]] viridis [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Purshia tridentata glandulosa [[/underlined]]
Eriogonum, shrubby
The following plants were also seen on this hillside
. [[underlined]] Artemisia tridentata [[/underlined]]
Bigelovia, stems white, [[lves?]] [[puber?]].
. [[underlined]] Elymus [[/underlined]], same as 827, [[underlined]] condensatus [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Ribes leptanthum [[/underlined]] ?
Gilia pungens
Along the creek [[bracket encasing next four plant names]]
Castilleia, smooth, tall
Salix longifolia
" [[ditto, referring to Salix, above]] lasiolepis
. [[underlined]] Phlox longifolia stansburyi [[/underlined]]
Lupinus no 764
Helianthus no 806
. [[underlined]] Phacelia fremontii [[/underlined]]