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38 [[end page]] [[start page]] 39 . [[underlined]] Caulanthus crassicaulis [[/underlined]] Thysanocarpus . [[underlined]] Phacelia [[/underlined]], no 779 [[underlined]] curoipes [[/underlined]] Cheilanthes myriophylla . [[underlined]] Delphinium [[/underlined]] Altitude reading at summit of hill 9750 = 7600 ft. = 2315 m This afternoon Mr. Funston and I ascended the hill south of camp. It is covered with piñons ^[[underlined]] pinus monophylla [[/underlined]] on its north slope, down to the camp, but its uppermost part is probably of sub pinon nature again as it bears no piñons and appears to run over from a slope of sub-pinon character on the south side. The plants here abundant in the piñons and apparently characteristic of them are . [[underlined]] Pinus monophylla [[/underlined]] . [[underlined]] Ribes leptanthum [[/underlined]] ? . [[underlined]] Artemisia tridentata [[/underlined]] Lupinus, same as 764