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neath. On the margin of this strip farthest from the water there is an abundant growth of [[underlined]] Distichlis maritima [[/underlined]], scantily mixed in some places with other small herbs. In the densest soda deposits the salt-grass cannot grow however and a large part of the lake-shore is therefore utterly devoid of vegetation. In many places, however, springs of fresh, or nearly fresh, water come up along the beach; and these are surrounded by growths of tules ([[underlined]] [[Seirfus founguns?]], S. olneyi [[/underlined]], and rarely, at this part of the lake, [[underlined]] S. lacustris occidentalis [[/underlined]]) and rushes ([[underlined]] Juncus mexicamus [[/underlined]]).
In the salt-grass, which extends backward into looser less alkaline sand are commonly found
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