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32 [[end page]] [[start page]] 33 May 19, 1891. Willow Cr. Camp, Panamint Mts, Cal. Altitude reading at camp ^[[=6400 ft.=1950 m.]] 8550 Mr. Funston and I went collecting this morning on the hillside facing southward and lying just north of camp. This hillside is rocky (granite) and is covered with a comparatively dense growth of shrubs. Its southerly slope prevents the growth of the piñon ^[[underlined]] [[. pinus monophylla.]] [[/underlined]] which is very abundant on the opposite side of the narrow valley occupied here by Willow Creek. The lower part of the piñon zone ^[[here as well as]] throughout the whole Darwin Mesa is remarkable as being almost entirely devoid of [[. underlined]] Juniperus Californica ^[[utahensis]] [[/underlined]] On the slope ascended there was none of it nor does there appear ever to have been any, for no stumps are to be seen.