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[[underlined]] Lepidium fremontii [/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Lepidospartum squamatum [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Lycium andersonii [[/underlined]] (began low down in the pass)
[[underlined]] " cooperi [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Mirabilis californica [[/underlined]] (red) (into the yuccas at least)
[[underlined]] Opuntia basilaris [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] " Echinocarpa [[/underlined]] (began in the pass 
[[underlined]] Oryzopsis [[/underlined]] (cuspidata) [[underlined]] membranacea [[/underlined]]
Oxytheca perfoliata
[[underlined]] Phoradendron bolleanum [[/underlined]] (on Juniperus californica in the pass]
[[underlined]] Pinus monophylla [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Forestiera parvifolia [[/underlined]]
Rhamnus-like shrub (in the pass near Cameron station)
[[underlined]] Salizaria mexicana
[[/underlined]] (abundant low down in the pass)
[[underlined]] Stanleya pinnatafida [[/underlined]] (near mouth of the pass)
[[underlined]] Tetradymia [[/underlined]] stenolepis?
[[underlined]] Yucca arborescens [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] " whipplei [[/underlined]] (goes nearly through the the pass sparingly)
[[underlined]] ^ [[insertion]] Aplopappus interior [[/insertion]] [[/underlined]] Senecio-like shrub (to mouth of pass)
Funston's five-leafed composite (begins in the pass)
The sides of the canon in the pass are covered with low desert shrubs and occasionally a juniper.  These (the junipers) occur in side-canons on both north and south slopes, and [[strikethrough]] often [[/strikethrough]] occasionally