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. [[underlined]] Distichlis maritima [[/underlined]] (at Willow Spr. & [[strikethrough]] Tejon [[/strikethrough]] Crane Lake)
. [[underlined]] Eleocharis [[/underlined]] (Willow Spring)
. [[underlined]] Elymus condensatus triticoides [[/underlined]] (Antelope Valley, abundant)
. [[underlined]] Ephedra nevadensis [[/underlined]] (in the yuccas and eastward)
Eremocarpus setigerus (very abundant west of the yuccas)
Eriogonum fasciculatum
" (scandescens)
. [[underlined]] Erodium cicutarium [[/underlined]] (abundant throughout)
Euphorbia albomarginata
. [[underlined]] Gilia floccosa [[/underlined]] (yuccas and eastward)
. [[underlined]] Grayia polygaloides [[/underlined]] (east of yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Helianthus annuus [[/underlined]] (abundant west of the yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Heliotropium curassavicum [[/underlined]] (Willow Spr. & Crane Lake)
. [[underlined]] Hordeum jubatum [[/underlined]] (very abundant west of yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Hymenoclea salsola [[/underlined]] (?)
. [[underlined]] Juncus bufonius [[/underlined]] (Willow Spring)
. [[underlined]] " mexicanus [[/underlined]] (Willow Spring & [[strikethrough]] Tejon [[/strikethrough]] Crane Lake)
. [[underlined]] Juniperus californica [[/underlined]] (down to altitude of Liebre Ranch)
. [[underlined]] Krynitzkia circumscissa [[/underlined]] (east of the yuccas)
. [[underlined]] " micrantha [[/underlined]] (east of the yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Larrea mexicana [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Lemna [[/underlined]] (Willow Spring)
. [[underlined]] Lycium andersonii [[/underlined]] (?)
. [[underlined]] " cooperi [[/underlined]] (?)