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. [[underlined]] Marrubium vulgare [[/underlined]] (west of the yuccas)
Mimulus luteus (Willow Spr. & Crane Lake)
. [[underlined]] Mirabilis multiflora pubescens [[/underlined]] (abundant in fields just west of the yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Nasturtium officinale [[/underlined]] (Willow Spr. & Tejon Lake)
. [[underlined]] Nicotiana [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Oenothera californica [[/underlined]] (more frequent west of the yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Oryzopsis ^[[insertion]] membranacea [[/insertion]] [[/underlined]] (cuspidata) (as far west as Bigelovia [graveolens)
Pentstemon (linear-leafed, shrubby, of piƱons not in fl, in yuccas)
. [[underlined]] Pinus sabiniana [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Polypogon monspeliensis [[/underlined]] (very abundant west of yuccas in low soil)
Potamogeton pectinatus (Crane Lake)
Quercus no
Quercus no
^[[insertion]] . [[underlined]] Forestiera parvifolia [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]
Rhamnus-like shrub (Willow Spring)
Ribes (arcuata) (near Liebre Ranch in live oaks)
Rumex crispus
" same as 1117
. [[underlined]] Salvia carduacea [[/underlined]] (east of the yuccas)
Sambucus (Willow Spr.)
. [[underlined]] Scirpus pungens [[/underlined]] (Willow Spr.)
Sonchus (Willow Spring)
. [[underlined]] Stanleya pinnata [[/underlined]] (yuccas and eastward)
. [[underlined]] Tetradymia [[/underlined]] stenolepis ? (yuccas & eastward)