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Friday, March 8, 1912. 
   S.S. Bramley.
   Variable (squalls). 
      Arise about 7:30, go up on deck and walk about for exercise & talk to the captain and mates; spend practically all day threading labels. It is a very tedious job threading labels. There are quite a number of Kittiwake gulls following the ship. From the bridge we saw a shark swimming slowly along on the surface of the water. It was probably over 15 ft. long. Go to bed about 10:30. 

Saturday, March 9, 1912. 
  S.S. Bramley, 150 mi. Northward & E. of the Azores Is. 
  Clear, C. * (Squalls) High seas. 

       Arise about 7:15; after breakfast walk about on deck for exercise and talk to the captain & mates & try to catch gulls on a hook & line without success; later try and photograph them with no results, owing to the high wind & big seas. I had a sleep this P.M. from 2:00 until 3:30 o'clock. The time since leaving N.Y. seems very short and the time passes very quickly, but when I look ahead it seems a long time before we will reach Singapore. Bed about 10:00. 

Sunday, March 10, 1912. 
  S.S. Bramley. 
  Clear, C. 
       (Passed a boat at 3:00 A.M.; 2nd boat since N.Y.) Arise about 7:15, go up on deck and walk about for exercise &  after breakfast talk to the captain, mates & engineers & later to the phonograph & watch the fellows do athletic stunts; see several kittiwakes, a Wilsons petrel, a large petrel, some dovekies, also some porpoises. The weather is very mild & delightful to-day. This afternoon I wrote a letter to K. Noble & one to Harper; go to bed about ten o'clock. 
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