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Monday, March 11, 1912. 
S.S. Bramley, 300 Miles W., Cape St. Vincent. 
Clear, C. Mild. 

Arise 7:00; shave & go up on deck and walk about & talk to mates and engineers and spend most of the day writing to Harper & Geo. Elder; the weather is very calm and nice and the sea has gone down. This P.M., I tried to get a picture of some gulls (Kittiwakes) as they flew back and forth along side of the boat but they did not come quite close enough at the right time. We expect to reach Cape St. Vincent sometime to-morrow night and to be in Algiers on Friday. Evening read & talk to captain & chief mate. Bed 9:00. 

Tuesday, March 12, 1912. 
S.S. Bramley. 

Arise about 7:00; go up on deck & see a couple of boats passing & look at them with the glasses. Spend most of the day writing but watch Kittiwakes feeding on refuse & following the ship. This afternoon and this morning I had hiccoughs which annoyed me very much and I was a long time getting rid of them. We expect to sight St. Vincent Light to-night. Eat no dinner & go to bed about 6:30. 

Wednesday, March 13, 1912. 
S.S. Bramley, S.E. of Cape St. Vincent, Portugal. 
C. *

(Spend a good part of the day writing). 
Arise about 6:45; look off to port & see the coast of Portugal, Cape St. Vincent and several steamers. I do not feel very well to-day. I think I have indigestion. This morning I went on the bridge and looked at the land, etc. Yesterday there were nothing but Kittiwakes about the ship and this morning I find they have all