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[[start of page]] - 12 - go on deck and walk with the captain & later, with the 2nd engineer; develop some pictures (plates). We were stopped at noon by an Italian man-o'-war which came alongside from the south after signalling & firing 2 shots for us to "stop instantly." After dinner, write & take a couple of pictures. After dinner, walk on bridge, write, talk to mate & captain & go to bed about 10:45. Man-o'-war's name was "Guisseppi Garabaldi". Monday, March 25, 1912. S.S. Bramley (Port Said Harbor at night). C., Arise about 7:15; go on deck & walk for exercise and with the chief & second engineer make some solio prints; spend all the morning at this. After lunch, write to Mother, G.S. Miller, Jr., and Helen Brady. We were waiting for the Pilot off Port Said when I finished writing; I then went up on deck for a few min-utes & then went down in the engine room with the 2nd engineer & worked the telegraph until finished with engines. At anchor in Port Said Harbor at 10:20; talk to fellows aboard until about 12:30, when I went to bed. Tuesday, March 26, 1912. (S.S. Bramley)- (Port Said). C., Cl. Arise 6:30; look at the boats in the harbor & after breakfast go ashore with Capt. Ruthen in Port Said & do some errands & buy some post cards & photographic materials & come back about noon. In the afternoon, take a couple of pictures and with my glasses look at gulls. Start through the canal about 4:00 P.M., see about 400 flamingos & numberless shore birds & gulls on the mud flats [[end of page]]