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islands where these birds are breeding. I also saw several hawks. This morning I filled a tooth for the 1st mate, read a letter from Hazel Nelson. This evening I stayed up on the bridge & talked to the captain & mate.

Tuesday, April 2, 1912.
 S.S. Bramley (Aden).
 C. (A little rain early in the morning).

   Arise at 4:00 & go up on the bridge & exercise with dumbells and come down & sleep until 6:30, then go up on bridge to see a school of porpoises. Spend a good part of the morning trying to catch a night-hawk to photograph, box a little with the chief mate; arrive off Aden about 2:30 P.M.; go ashore with Capt. Ruthen & go about with him. Evening go ashore with Capt. Ruthen & Mr. Marks of Aden & spend the evening talking with Marks, his friend Mr.Week and the Captain; come on board & go to bed about 12:15.

Wednesday, April 3, 1912.
S.S. Bramley. 
C., Clear.

Arise a little before 7:00 & go ashore about 9:00 & drive about Aden in a "garry" with Capt. Ruthen & Marks; buy some ostrich feathers & see the fortifications, etc. Have lunch with Marks and call on the American Consul, Mr. Schultz and have quite a talk with him.
Mr. Marks came on board for tea & we heaved up anchor about 7:00 o'clock; I stood on the bridge until we were out of the harbor& then came below. Bed about 9:30.