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- 19 - go ashore with the 3rd Engineer & go in a few shops with him & get in a Rickshaw & ride out to his home & meet his brother & relatives & with his brother go to the Mt. Lavinia Hotel which is a nice ride; come back to the ship about 4:00 o'clock & talk to the fellows on board & let the 2nd Engineer snap a picture of me. It began to rain & thunder & lightning about 5:30. We sailed out of the harbor about 7:00 P.M. Bed 9:15. Sunday, April 14, 1912. S.S. Bramley (Indian Ocean, S.E. of Ceylon) C., Clear. Arise about 6:40. After breakfast I walked about the deck for a while & talked to the Second & took a couple of snaps of the captain and developed a dozen plates but I have had much trouble with them for I cannot get any cool water. This morning I saw a couple of whales blowing water apparently about 15 feet into the air. The coast of Ceylon could be seen until after noon and we passed several native catamaran fishing boats. This evening I have been talking to the 3rd about the fauna of Ceylon. Bed about 9:30. Monday, April 15, 1912. S.S. Bramley. C., Clear. Arise about 7:00. Nothing particularly interesting happened to-day. I spent most of the day reading & talking to Capt. Ruthen. The dozen plates I developed yesterday were spoiled on account of too much heat in the water. We can see no land and the only animal life seen to-day was a few porpoises. After sitting on the bridge until about 7:00