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with dumbells & spend the morning looking at the islands on either side of the channel as we came into the harbor & talk to the fellows on board.  After lunch, go ashore & to the Hotel De La Paix, see Mr Gibson, the manager, & take a room at the Adelphi, look over my notes & after dinner walk about near the hotel & look in the shops & come up to my room, read, & write some post cards and go to bed.

Monday, April 22, 1912.
Singapore (Hotel De La Paix)
Clear, R.
Arise about 7:00 o'clock and get a rickshaw & go down to the wharf & back to the hotel, do some shopping, get breakfast & go to stay at the De La Paix & get a rickshaw, go to Goslings & get my mail & talk to Mr. Gosling, with him go to the bank & to the Am. Consul General.
Have tiffin with Mr. Figart & meet his friends, Mr. Davis & two others & later go to Goslings & do several errands. Go to 45 Arcade and meet F. Tracy & his friend Mr. Schultz, do more errands with Mr. Gosling & his son & dine with Mr. Davis, Mr. Figart & Mr. Schultz & spend the evening with them; come back to the hotel and go to bed about 11:30.

Tuesday, April 23, 1912.
Singapore (Hotel De La Paix)

Arise about 6:45, look over my notes & after breakfast go to the Goslings and to the Bramley & see to my luggage being taken ashore, say good-bye to the officers and ride about town doing numerous errands; after tiffin continue my errands and talk to