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- 24 - shipping office & two or three other places with Dolah; in the afternoon, go out to the tannery on Galang Road & return to Goslings & stay there until about five; meet C. Gosling & go around to a number of shops with him; evening go to a musical concert with Gosling & come home & go the bed about midnight. Saturday, April 27, 1912. Singapore (Pasa Rec). C., Cl., R. Arise at 7:00 and do some errands & go about with Cuthbert Gosling doing shopping and looking at birds & animals in stores; in the afternoon meet C. Gosling & with him & two of his friends go out to Edw. Nathans estate & spend the night there, talk to the fellows about shooting and watch them play cards; enjoy the ride from Singapore in an auto & see some rubber plantations. Bed, 11:00. Sunday, April 28, 1912. Singapore (Hotel De La Paix) C., Cl., R. Arise about 6:30 at Natharis estate, talk to the fellows, Boyd, Tennery, Gosling, Langie, Heitman & Nathan & go in swimming with them, after breakfast go across to an island, in a Malay sampan, met the beaters "clings" & dogs & go to the jungle & shoot wild pigs. I shot two, but they were rather small, nevertheless I get an idea of how hunting is done in the jungle. I enjoyed the day very much & returned to Singapore about 8:30; have dinner & go to bed 10:00. Monday, April 29, 1912. Singapore, (Hotel De La Paix) Cl., R., C. Arise 8:30, go to the shoemakers, tailors & several other