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places & to Goslings, get a letter from Florence Alexander, go to the Dutch Consul & to Robinsons & select a revolver & this afternoon make arrangements for my man Hadjiman to go to Samarinda with my outfit, meet Tracy about 4:30 P.M. & with him & Shultz go for an automobile ride & enjoy seeing more of Singapore Island, rubber trees & pineapples.  11:00.

Tuesday, April 30, 1912.
Singapore (Hotel De La Paix)
R., Cl. C.
Arise about 7:00, figure up some of my accounts & go to Goslings
& arrange about my Serang & what I am to do in Java & several
other things; after tiffin go back to Goslings & work with the
men showing them how & what I wanted done; a Chinaman is fine at
copying but has no originality; after five o'clock I drove about
in a rickshaw & went to Mr. Goslings to dinner & met his wife &
daughter & came back to the hotel & go to bed 10:10.

Wednesday, May 1, 1912.
Giang Ann.
C., Cl., R.

Arise about 7:00 at the hotel & with Hadjiman (my Serang)
pack my trunk & suit case & go about town doing some errands &
go to Goslings & talk over what I am going to do & arrange about
sending my luggage & man to Samarinda; after tiffin, settle my
hotel bill (I arrange money matters this A.M. with the bank),
leave Goslings about 2:30 & go & see the American Consulate General, Mr. Figart, also say good-bye to Tracy & Shultz. Leave
Singapore about 5:00; evening write Mother. Bed, 10:30.