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Thursday, May 2, 1912.
S.S. Giang Ann.
Cl., Warm.
Arise early & spend the day writing and sitting on deck, write in the evening also. Go to bed about ten thirty. The day has been fine but this boat is carrying onions or garlic on deck and the odor is rank or worse.

Friday, May 3, 1912.
S.S. Giang Ann.
C., Cl.
Arise early & read & write letters the whole day; we passed a few islands but far away, too far to be able to see anything special. It has been a beautiful day, clear & calm most of the time but this evening it is partly cloudy but the moonlight is fine.

Saturday, May 4, 1912.
Buitenzorg, Java.
C., Cl. R.
Arise about 6:30 on the Giang Ann & after a little red tape, go ashore & have to open my box & show my guns to the customs officials, take a train from Tanjong Prick to Batavia & another to Welteureden and after a zigzag ride get to the American Consulates and see Mr. Rairden & talk to him for a while & then have to return to the station to see about my ticket to Soerabaja, get lunch, see the Consul again & catch a train for Buitenzorg, go to the Hotel Belle Vue, go for a walk in the Batanical garden & evening call on Miss Gosling & meet Dr. J. Van Breda de Haan. Bed about 11:15.

Sunday, April 5, 1912.
Buitenzorg, Java.
C., R.
Arise at 7:00 & after breakfast go to the Batanical garden & get two Javanese boys as guides & walk about the garden & see many