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tiful landscape I have ever seen, spend the night in Bandeong, Hotel Preanger; Bed about 10:30.

Wednesday, May 8, 1912.
Arise at Bandeong about 5:00 & catch the train leaving at 5:50, ride all day & get very dusty & dirty & my eyes ache but I enjoyed looking at the beautiful fields of rice & cane & also see many groves of cocoa-nut palms & rubber trees; birds were numerous, herons especially. Large numbers of water buffalo and goats and also domestic cattle were a common sight. The Javanese seem to spend all their spare time bathing in the canals & creeks; get to Soerabaja about 7:00 P.M., go to a hotel & evening go to a picture show with a fellow named Gompetz & come home & get to bed at 12:30.

Thursday, May 9, 1912.
Arise about 7:00; I do not feel very well, I have a cold in my head.
This morning I went to the station & got my trunk & box of guns & when I got them to the Hotel I took my guns out & greased them; one of the shot guns is rusty. I repacked my trunk & this afternoon learn Malay words & go to the steamship office & to several stores before I could get some cholera belts, try to get some charts of Borneo but can get nothing better than I have; evening study Malay. Bed, 12:00.