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Monday, May 13, 1912.
Bandjermasin, Borneo.
C., R., C.
Arise 7:00, have breakfast with Dr. Sunier, Mr. Versluys & Mr. vander Does de Bye and after breakfast call on the Resident & walk down to the wharf & through the main street; after tiffin, go in a sampan with Dr. Sunier & the Kepala kampong & visit the native fisherman & see their nets, etc. & learn some more native words. In the evening talk to Mr. van der Does de Bye about boats, the jungle, natives, etc. I have to wait here for the boat to Samarinda which is late. After dinner sit on porch; bed, 10:30.

Tuesday, May 14, 1912.
Bandjermasin, Borneo.
C., R., C.
Arise about 7:00 and after breakfast call at the Controller's house with Dr. Sunier & Mr. Versluys & see the Controller's collection of skulls, skins, etc., & a live Orang-utan & other birds, etc. Return to the hotel, talk to Mr. van der Does de Bye & spend the afternoon writing to father & Florence and after dinner write and study Malay words; also talk to Dr. Sunier & look at maps of Borneo.
It is delightful here, the whole place consists of but few houses & all near the river which is the highway & there are no beasts of burden. Bed about 11:30.

Wednesday, May 15, 1912.
S.E.Coast of Borneo.
C., R., Cl.
Arise about 6:30 and have breakfast with Dr. Sunier & write Florence & start a letter to Jim Clark and about 11:00 o'clock start for the boat with the Dr. & stop at the custon house and go