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by Malays onkos depur bajans dalahann.  After the cerimony, the man stays with his wife & mother-in-law for a time & then starts house keeping for himself.
   For three days previous to the cerimony are festivities and the night following the cerimony.  The morning of the wedding day the man was escorted with music, fire works, etc. from the house of his bride-to-be to the house of his father & his friends carrying in escort boxes filled with things for him to wear.  The same afternoon he was borne back with great excitement, fireworks (merchoen), flags & many friends & relatives in escort, all gaudily dressed.

Monday, October 7, 1912.
   Blatok, Birang R.

   My men have just come back from Tandjong Redeb & I am getting ready to go further to interior & stay with the Dyaks (Basaps) for three days; developed some plates this A.M; will leave to-morrow morning at 3:00, taking 3 men with me & leaving Mohamid to look after the Sepit & camp.

Sunday, October 13, 1912.
   Birang River.

   After finishing making 3 plandok skins we broke camp & headed for Tandjong Redeb, rowing & drifting.  Reach Mr. Tengard's roemah at about 4:00 P.M., talk to his wife & wait there until mid-night when the tide turned & we could come to Tandjong Redeb where we reached about 3:00 A.M.