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Sunday, October 27, 1912.
Segah R. near [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau.
Anchored in midstream (Adou, Pabis, & Mohammed), collect on the South side of the river & in the afternoon skin specimens, finish about 8:00 P.M. & with Adou & Mohamid go up the river in canoe with a jacklamp, get close to a crocodile in the water & I shot at its head; it lunged frantically about, hitting the boat and wetting us; it disappeared & then when I swung the lamp around, found the brute within a yard of me.  As I had nothing but a shot gun, we went on up the river.

Monday, October 28, 1912.
Segah R. near [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau.
Rain & Cloudy.

Collect birds & squirrels on south bank of river & go further up stream.
This morning I came upon honeycomb in the jungle at the base of a tall tree 3 feet in diameter.  I found that a bear had climbed the tree for about 50 feet & ripped open the side to get at honey- inside.  Bark, vines, etc. were scattered about the base of the tree.

Sunday, November 10, 1912.
[[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau, Segah R., Borneo
All A.M. Rain.
    It rained so hard all the morning that I could do nothing but stay in the boat & try & keep things dry.  About noon it cleared & I took Pabis & hunted along through the jungle near [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau for about three miles.  I saw lots of birds high up in tall trees but not a great many within gunshot.  I also saw another squirrel which I took to be S.parus.  In places, the