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on board the boat & meet several Dutch people that are going on an expidition to the border of Sarawak & Dutch Borneo; spend the afternoon talking to the people on board & admiring the beautiful scenery as we going down the Barito R., sleep on deck as all the cabin is occupied.

Thursday, May 16, 1912.
Pulo Laut.
Cl., R., Cl.
Arise about 6:00 and talk to the people on board. This morning when I arose we were steaming between Pulo Laut & Borneo; we stopped at two places on Pulo Laut, the second one being Kota Baroe. I went ashore there with 3 other fellows & to the Controller's residence & had something to drink. It was very interesting to watch the Malays fishing with nets near the shore. I spent a lot of time watching eagles & hawks with my glasses & looking at the jungle and hills, both in Borneo & on Pulo Laut. We left Kota Baroe about 5:00 o'clock; spend the evening talking, & sleep on the deck. Bed about 11:30.

Friday, May 17, 1912.
Balik Papan, Borneo.
Cl., R., Cl.
Arise about 6:30; as we are going into Balik Papan, look at the oil wells & what there is of a town with my glasses & go ashore with the Doctor & a couple of other men & call on the Controller and with him visit several other places & meet the Chief Surgeon at the Royal Dutch Hospital; also call on the Manager of the R.D. Oil Co.; spend the latter part of the P.M. & evening on the boat; just before dinner, go up on the bridge with the captain & others & drink & talk.